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For a full list of prerequisites for the toolkit on z/OS and for the web application, visit Software Product Compatibility Reports.

Toolkit prerequisites on z/OS


IBM Dependency Based Build has limited required prerequisites on z/OS. Before you install DBB, the following products must be installed and operational on the z/OS environment where DBB is to run:

  • Program Number 5655-W43 - IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS Java Technology Edition V08.00.00.

For more information, see IBM® SDK for z/OS®, Java™ Technology Edition downloads.

Toolkit disk Space

IBM Dependency Based Build requires approximately 3000 tracks (200 cylinders) 3390 disk space for the product installation.

Other considerations

  • Users who run build scripts (either directly or through a Jenkins agent) require a valid OMVS segment with a MAXASSIZE sufficient to allocate the JVM needed to run the particular build scripts.
  • Long running builds might require adjustment of the OMVS MAXCPUTIME setting.
  • TSO logon procedures that preallocate SYSPRINT or SYSIN and other files often used in build scripts will cause problems.

Server prerequisites on Linux

You must install the DBB server on Linux. You can visit Software Product Compatibility Reports to see the supported operating system distributions and release levels.


IBM Dependency Based Build web application requires IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition, Version 8, which can be downloaded at IBM developer kits.

To use DBB in the production environment, you must install IBM Db2 to support the web application. For more information, see Setting up a Db2 database.

Server disk space

The server installation uses approximately 500 MB for the product installation.

Server prerequisites on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

A Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster with a minimum of 1 worker node.

Server disk space

The DBB container uses approximately 60 GB of storage. Additional storage might be required for configuration, logs, and local Derby database (default configuration).

Other optional software

IBM Dependency Based build can be used in conjunction with Git and Jenkins as part of an automation pipeline. If you intend to use DBB with Git and Jenkins, then the following additional products must be installed and operational:


  • Git client - Rocket Software Port to run on z/OS. Rocket® Git is available as an SMP/E installable package as part of IBM Dependency Based Build (FMID HAL2xxx). You can also download Rocket Git from the Rocket z/OS tools page. Git also has a prerequisite for specific versions of bash, perl, and gzip, all available from that page.

    The Program Directory for Rocket Git for z/OS contains the information about the materials and procedures to install Rocket Git for z/OS. To download a PDF version of the program directory, click here.

  • Jenkins agent - Pushed to the same z/OS if Jenkins is to be used to coordinate the builds. For more information about Jenkins, see Jenkins documentation.


  • A Git server of some form that runs somewhere accessible from the z/OS system
  • A Jenkins server that runs somewhere accessible from the z/OS system