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The DYNAMIC LENGTH clause specifies a dynamic-length elementary item. The LENGTH keyword is optional.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDYNAMICLENGTH LIMITISinteger-1
If the LIMIT phrase is not specified, then the limit is set to the maximum value according to the data item class. Attempts to receive into a dynamic-length elementary item more characters over the limit will result in truncation at a character boundary on the right.
Note: In practice, the maximum length of a dynamic-length elementary item might be limited by available runtime memory or other runtime environment limits.
An integer specifies the maximum number of alphanumeric or national characters that the data item can contain.

When the PICTURE clause is PIC U, integer-1 represents the maximum bytes that the data item can contain. integer-1 must be an integer greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to 999999999 for alphanumeric class and 999999999 for UTF-8 class dynamic-length elementary items.

A dynamic-length elementary item is a data item whose length can vary at runtime. The length of a data item is the current number of characters contained by this data item.

A dynamic-length elementary item has a minimum length of zero, and a maximum length that is the smallest of the following limitations:

  • integer-1 characters of the LIMIT phrase
  • 999999999 characters if the PICTURE clause is 'X' (alphanumeric class) or 999999999 bytes if the PICTURE clause is 'U' (UTF-8 class)
  • The available runtime memory.

The PICTURE clause of a dynamic-length elementary item must be either PIC X or PIC U, making this a data item of class alphanumeric or UTF-8 respectively. No other PICTURE clause strings other than a single instance of 'X' or 'U' are allowed. PIC N is not supported in a dynamic-length elementary item.

Dynamic-length elementary items can be specified in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION or LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION.

Dynamic-length elementary items can be specified as subordinate items within a group. The existence of a dynamic-length elementary item within a group item will make it a dynamic-length group item (See Dynamic-length group items).

Dynamic-length elementary items cannot be variably located or a subordinate data item within a table containing the OCCURS DEPENDING ON phrase. When a dynamic-length elementary item appears within a group, the content of the item can be considered logically inline within this group, even if the physical location of the content is remotely located. Comparisons and moves between groups where one or both groups contains a subordinate dynamic-length elementary item is not allowed. Moving a dynamic-length elementary item to a fixed-length group is allowed, and moving any group (dynamic-length or not) to a dynamic-length elementary item is allowed.

Usage note: Dynamic-length elementary items in the LOCAL-STORAGE section may not be freed when the program executes unstructured GOTOs such as an EXEC CICS® HANDLE statement or the Language Environment® service CEEMRCE (Move resume cursor explicit).
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