Use OPTFILE to enable the specifying of COBOL compiler options in a data set. Using a compiler-option data set circumvents the 100-character limit on options specified in a JCL PARM string.

OPTFILE option syntax

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Default is: None

Abbreviations are: None

You can specify OPTFILE as a compiler invocation option or in the PROCESS or CBL statement in your COBOL source program. OPTFILE cannot be specified as an installation default.

OPTFILE is ignored if you compile using the cob2 command in the z/OS® UNIX environment. (In that environment, the COBOPT environment variable provides a capability that is comparable to OPTFILE.)

If OPTFILE is in effect, compiler options are read from the data set that you identify in a SYSOPTF DD statement. A SYSOPTF data set must have RECFM F or FB and an LRECL of 80 bytes. For further details about the format of a SYSOPTF data set, see the related task below about defining a compiler-option data set.

The precedence of options in the SYSOPTF data set is determined by where you specify the OPTFILE option. For example, if you specify OPTFILE in the invocation PARM string, an option specified later in the PARM string supersedes any option specified in the SYSOPTF data set that conflicts with it.

(Conceptually, OPTFILE in an options specification is replaced with the options that are in the SYSOPTF data set; then the usual rules about precedence of compiler options and conflicting compiler options apply.)

If you start the COBOL compiler from within an assembler program, you can use the alternate ddname list to specify a ddname to be used instead of SYSOPTF to identify the compiler-option data set.

related references  
Conflicting compiler options