What's new in the certified containers

To meet your business needs, Sterling Order Management System Software regularly introduces important new features and enhancements in IBM® Sterling Order Management System certified containers.

For a list of the resolved issues, see Resolved issues in containers.

14 August 2024 (10.0.2406.2)

Operator and image updates
Support to configure alternative image repository
You can now configure the pulling of images from an alternative repository to avoid docker pull limits. Two new sections each for Cassandra and Elasticsearch are introduced under devInstances parameter. For more information, see Properties of Cassandra and Properties of Elasticsearch.
Liberty access log enabled out-of-the-box
The Liberty ACCESS_FILE_NAME now defaults to /shared/logs/${OM_POD_NAME}_access.log. You can also use environment variables, similar to message and trace logs, to configure the access log and specify the log location.

18 July 2024 (10.0.2406.1)

Operator and image updates
New parameter to define probe configurations in OMEnvironment
A new parameter probeConfigs is introduced to define a list of probe configurations for readiness, liveness, and startup in OMEnvironment. The probe configurations that you define are used by the OMServer. For more information, see Configuring probeConfigs parameter.
Support to set up development instances by using PostgreSQL and ActiveMQ
You can now create and configure development instances of Sterling Order Management System Containers by using PostgreSQL and ActiveMQ for test purposes only. For more information, see Configuring devInstances parameter.
Added new out-of-the-box server profiles
New server profiles including small, medium, large, huge, and massive are added to the Operator. You can choose the appropriate profile based on your CPU and memory resources. For more information, see Profiles for different workloads.

21 June 2024 (10.0.2406.0)

Operator and image updates
Enhanced multischema feature for OOB images and Operator
You can now set up multischema for OOB images and the Operator in both create and upgrade modes. For more information, see Setting up multischema by using Sterling Order Management System Operator.
Collect statistics data with the Prometheus endpoint
Sterling Order Management System Software now provides the Prometheus metrics endpoint, which is included in the smcfs.war file, to scrape statistics from an endpoint into the Prometheus format. For more information, see Prometheus statistics collection for certified containers.
Stack upgrades
  • IBM Java™ SDK/JRE to
  • WebSphere Liberty to

13 May 2024 (10.0.2403.2)

Operator and image updates
Added affinityAndTolerations for healthMonitor and restService
You can now define affinity and tolerations for healthMonitor and restService to optimize node pool allocation. For more information, see Configuring healthMonitor parameter and Configuring restService parameter.
Enhanced probe check functionality
  • A new probe check for liveness, readiness, and startup is introduced to ensure that the pods can establish connections to both the database and message queues. This check is performed at regular intervals.
  • A new annotation apps.oms.ibm.com/use-legacy-probe-check is introduced to switch back to the old probe (legacy) check if issues arise. For more information, see Annotations used in IBM Sterling Order Management System Software Operator.
Updated repository for WebSphere Liberty image
The repository for the WebSphere Liberty image is updated from docker.io/ibmcom/websphere-liberty to icr.io/appcafe/websphere-liberty to prevent pull limitations and ensure smoother operation.
Removed proxy image from Operator controller
The kube-rbac-proxy image is now removed from IBM Sterling Order Management System Operator.

12 April 2024 (10.0.2403.1)

Operator and image updates
Enhanced Operator to support multischema in Containers
You can now set up multischema in your container environment by using Operator for efficient management and automation. For more information, see Setting up multischema by using Sterling Order Management System Operator.
Enhanced Dojo file minification for improved language pack creation
A new flag AP_OPTIMIZE_DOJO_MINIFICATION is added to the generateImages.sh script to enable the minification of Dojo files in containers when set to false. This ensures that the Date and UnitOfMeasure are passed correctly when you create a custom language pack. By default, AP_OPTIMIZE_DOJO_MINIFICATION is set to true.

8 March 2024 (10.0.2403.0)

Operator and image updates
Enhanced image customization without --privileged flag
You no longer need to apply the --privileged flag when customizing Order Management images for Podman commands. This enhancement ensures the customization is simple and secure. For Docker, you can continue using the --privileged flag, until further notice.
Added webhook validations for following properties
  • Validation added for customerOverrides to ensure that the custom configurations that are provided by users are properly validated.
  • Validation added for jvmArgs to ensure that only valid parameters are passed to the Java virtual machine.
  • Validation added for envVars to ensure that only authorized and correct environment variables are accepted by the application.
  • bindingConfigName is now optional.

25 January 2024 (10.0.2309.2)

Operator and image updates
Important: For Order Hub and Call Center, the digest for the images is different from the one inside the case. You must use the following image and digest and not use the one inside the case.
Call Center- Professional
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-professional/om-call-center-base:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:cc7d81ee7d7a2e0c1ae4a2ea21f190e4ae720027197907e57d5e9347e21565c7
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-professional/om-call-center-ext:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:4f9b1f2de05c3d6404b1b8bd6a9143dd7e56436b0f13b6cd601f61c0157af195
Call Center - Enterprise
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-enterprise/om-call-center-base:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-enterprise/om-call-center-ext:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:4f9b1f2de05c3d6404b1b8bd6a9143dd7e56436b0f13b6cd601f61c0157af195
Order Hub- Professional
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-professional/om-orderhub-base:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:5c7c0ebe93e5d36222a102d7190514f9c2299c921fd906dbc5a12c2af5ef6219
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-professional/om-orderhub-ext:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:d43342cec6740ddff2f972b40b5161ed04056667f2cb67e3351c4499eb61865d
Order Hub- Enterprise
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-enterprise/om-orderhub-base:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:5c7c0ebe93e5d36222a102d7190514f9c2299c921fd906dbc5a12c2af5ef6219
Image name: icr.io/cp/ibm-oms-enterprise/om-orderhub-ext:10.0.2309.2-amd64
Digest: sha256:d43342cec6740ddff2f972b40b5161ed04056667f2cb67e3351c4499eb61865d
Enhanced Operator installation in an airgap environment
If you encounter issues pulling images from your airgap environment, you can now generate a new catalog image and push it to your registry. For more information, see create a new catalog image.
Support to install additional packages in Liberty
A new flag --LIBERTY_ADDONS is added to install additional packages for WebSphere Application Server Liberty. Use this flag to install add-ons when you run the generateImages.sh script. For more information, run generateImages.sh --help or see Advanced image build options.
New configuration to define Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs)
Use this feature to define a list of Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs) to automatically manage the number of pods in the deployment. It is available for OMServer, Order Hub, Order Service, and Call Center in both integrated and independent modes. For more information, see Configuring horizontalPodAutoscalers parameter.
Ability to toggle between automatic and manual management of specifications through annotation
Use the newly introduced annotation named apps.oms.ibm.com/auto-managed to automatically scale the deployments with the custom resources. For more information, see Annotations used in IBM Sterling Order Management System Software Operator.
Support to enable Kafka based logging
A new annotation apps.oms.ibm.com/enable-kafka-logging is introduced to enable IBM Sterling Order Management System Software to send logs that are generated to a kafka topic. This feature is available for OMServer, Data Management, and Order Service only. For more information, see Configuring Kafka log parameter.
New option to specify an alias name for JWT
A new property named alias is introduced to specify a custom name for the JWT when defining your own key-pair. This property is also available for Order Service integrated and independent modes. For more information, see JWT alias in common parameter.
Enhanced data management configuration to set admin password for initial login
When you use the create mode in dataManagement, it's now essential to set the consoleAdminPassword in the secret to the password of the admin user for the database. This ensures that you are aware of the password that is needed to log in to your database for the first time. For more information, see Configuring dataManagement parameter.
Automation of initialization scripts by using additionalMounts
You can now choose to mount your initialization scripts to the pods, which allows the scripts to run automatically when the application and agent servers start. Use additionalMounts to mount initialization scripts to a specific location inside the pod. For more information, see Automation of initialization scripts by using additionalMounts.
Enhancements to ingress configuration
  • For Order Hub and Call Center, the ingress property is moved from the base and extn specification to the main specification. For more information, see Configuring orderHub parameter and Configuring callCenter parameter.
  • For Order Hub, Call Center, and Order Service, the customDomains property is moved to networking.ingress.
  • Order Service now includes ingress in integrated mode. For more information, see Configuring orderService parameter.
  • In the Order Service name, the apps.oms.ibm.com/apps=oserv label is removed, and the name of the ingress no longer includes the -ingress suffix.