Job card revisions

You can create major or minor revisions of job cards. In major revisions, you apply a date range to a job card to specify the period when the job card is valid. Job cards that have date ranges that are in the future can be associated with task cards and work orders to plan upcoming work. Minor revisions of job cards involve small changes, such as changes to the tools or labor that are required.

When you create a job card, the revision number defaults to 0.0. You specify whether a change is major or minor in the Revise Job Card window of the Job Cards application.

Major revisions

A major revision of a job card involves a change to the dates when the job card is valid. In a major revision, the job card revision number is incremented by 1. For example, if a major revision of job card 1.0 is required, the new revision is 2.0. To specify date ranges for job cards, you must first make the date fields visible. In the Organizations application, select the System Settings action, and under CM Options, select the Show Date Range For Major Job Card Revisions check box.

Major revisions of job cards have the following rules:
  • Date changes can be made only before the job card is set to active status.
  • No gaps are allowed between the date ranges for different revisions, and the date ranges cannot overlap. For example, if a job card is specified to be valid until 23:59:59 on May 1st 2019, the next revision of that job card must become valid a second later at midnight.
  • If the Revision Valid From field is specified but the Revision Valid Until field is not specified, the job card never expires.

Different revisions of a job card can be applied to multiple work orders. If the schedule changes for a work order that is waiting on approval or an equivalent status, and a different job card revision is valid on the new dates, that job card revision is automatically applied to the work order, and the original revision is removed.

Minor revisions

A minor revision of a job card involves a small change, such as a change to the tools that are required for the work. In a minor revision, the job card revision number is incremented by .1. For example, if a minor revision of job card 1.1 is required, the new revision is 1.2.

Only one revision for each major revision of a job card can be active. All other revisions are revised. For example, if job card 1.0 is created but is later revised twice with minor revisions, when the status of revision 1.2 is active, the status of revisions 1.0 and 1.1 is revised.