Cost ranges for parts or tools

You can specify a cost range for quantities of a part or tool so that the cost is automatically calculated when quantities of the part or tool are purchased, loaned, or leased from a vendor. A cost range consists of two or more cost range records.

Cost ranges are the different amounts that are paid for different quantities of a part or tool. For example, you can specify the following information for the purchase of an engine:
Table 1. The Cost Range for a Quantity of Engines
Range From Range To Unit Cost
1 9 $100.00
10 19 $90.00
20 29 $80.00

In the Tools application and the Part Number Master application, on the Vendor tab, you must select the Cost Range check box in a vendor line for the Cost Ranges table to display for that line. In the Purchase Contracts application, on the Contract Lines tab, the Cost Ranges table is displayed automatically for the current contract line. Each cost range record for a part or tool must be unique, but you can specify different cost range records for identical parts or tools that have different service types.

If you want to delete a cost range record that is in between two cost range records and these records are all for the same service type part or tool, you must first delete the cost range records that have a higher unit range. For example, you might have cost range records that specify unit costs for 1 - 9 units, 10 -19 units, and 20 - 29 units. If you want to delete the cost range record that is for 10 - 19 units, you must first delete the cost range record that is for 20 - 29 units. If you delete a vendor line or contract line, the associated cost range records are also deleted.

In the Part Number Master application, in the Calculation Method field, you can choose the calculation method that is used to automatically calculate a total cost for the quantity of parts. The following methods can be selected for immediate use:
The total quantity of parts is multiplied by the highest unit cost for that quantity. For example, the following table displays the calculation that is used to determine the total cost for a quantity of engines:
Table 2. The Count Calculation Method
Range From Range To Unit Cost Engines Purchased Calculation Total Cost
1 9 $100.00 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
10 19 $90.00 12 12 × 90.00 $1080
Each unit is multiplied by the unit cost of the range in which it is included, and then the total unit cost for each range is added together. For example, the following table displays the calculation that is used to determine the total cost for a quantity of engines:
Table 3. The Escalate Calculation Method
Range From Range To Unit Cost Engines Purchased Calculation Total Cost
1 9 $100.00 9 Not applicable Not applicable
10 19 $90.00 6 (9 × 100) + (6 × 90) $1380