Enabling ARM on WebSEAL

To enable ARM on WebSEAL follow the procedure described here.

To enable ARM on WebSEAL:
  1. Ensure that you have the following libraries:
    • libarm4.so
    • libttapi.a
    • libkbb.a for RAS1 logging
  2. Set the following values in the WebSEAL configuration file, WEBSEAL_HOME/etc/webseald-instance.conf:
    • library = /opt/IBM/ITM/aix533/tu/tusupport/libarm4.so
    • If you are using RPT with WebSEAL, accept-correlators = yes
    • enable-arm = yes
    • insert-client-real-ip-for-option-r = yes
    • report-transactions = yes
    • app-group = webseal
    • app-instance = WebSEAL_iago
  3. Set the library paths in the pdweb_start file, /opt/pdweb/bin/pdweb_start. Add the following environment variables to the beginning of the pdweb_start file:
    export CANDLE_HOME
    export LIBPATH 
    export KBB_RAS1 
    export KBB_RAS1_LOG 
    Note: On AIX systems, the webseald program may have the setuid security feature which stops LIBPATH being propagated. Run pdweb_start as root to circumvent this problem.
  4. Restart WebSEAL. The RAS1 log file, /tmp/pdweb.ras1 defined in the previous step is generated immediately if ARM has been successfully enabled.
  5. If required, modify the location of the remote Transaction Collector in the armconfig.xml file to which the ARM data will be sent.
  6. If required, customize filters for WebSEAL data in the Application Management Configuration Editor.