Configuring ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere

You must configure the data collector for each application server instance that you want to monitor.

The ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere® Configuration utility is a menu driven command-line utility for configuring ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere.
Important: In an ITCAM for Application Diagnostics deployment, do not configure the data collector to monitor an instance of WebSphere Application Server that hosts the Managing Server Visualization Engine (MSVE). However, you can use the data collector to monitor any other WebSphere Application Server instances that are on the same node.
Remember: If you have already configured the data collector and you want to reconfigure it, start the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere Reconfiguration utility. Otherwise, the changes you made are lost.
To configure the data collector to monitor one or more server instances, complete the following procedure:
  1. Navigate to the DC_home/bin directory.
  2. Set the location of the Java™ home directory before you run the utility:
    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/AppServer80/java
  3. Run the following command to start the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere Configuration utility.
  4. The utility starts and displays the IP addresses of all network cards that are found on the local computer system. The utility prompts you to specify the interface to use for the data collector:
    List of TCP/IP interfaces discovered: 
      1. 9.1100.98.108/ 
    Enter a number [default is: 1]: 
  5. Enter the number that corresponds to the IP address to use.

    The utility searches for WebSphere Application Server home directories on the computer system and prompts you to select a home directory:

    List of WebSphere Application Server home directories discovered: 
      1. /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer 
    Enter a number or enter the full path to a home directory 
    [default is: 1]: 
  6. Enter the number that corresponds to a WebSphere Application Server home directory.
    The utility searches for all profiles under the specified home directory and prompts you to select a profile:
    List of WebSphere profiles discovered: 
      1. AppSrv01 
    Enter a number [default is: 1]: 
  7. Enter the number that corresponds to the WebSphere Application Server profile that you want to configure.
    The utility indicates whether WebSphere Global Security is enabled for the WebSphere Application profile that you specified:
    WebSphere Global Security is enabled.
    If global security is not enabled, skip to step 9.
  8. The utility prompts you to specify whether to retrieve security settings from a client properties file:
    Do you want to retrieve security settings from a client properties file 
    (soap.client.props or sas.client.props)? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] [default is: 2]:

    The data collector communicates with the WebSphere Administrative Services using the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) or the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) protocol. If global security is enabled for a profile, you must specify the user ID and password of a user who is authorized to log in to the IBM® WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the profile. Alternatively, you can encrypt the user name and password and store them in client properties files before configuring the data collector. You must use the sas.client.props file for an RMI connection, or the soap.client.props file for an SOAP connection.

    Enter 1 to allow the utility to retrieve the user name and password from the appropriate client properties file and skip to step 9. Otherwise, enter 2 to enter the user name and password.
    Enter WebSphere admin user name:
    Enter WebSphere admin user password:
  9. The utility searches for all application server instances under the specified profile. The utility displays all servers that are not configured yet for data collection and all servers that are configured to use the current version of the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere.

    The utility prompts you to select one or more application server instances from the list:

    Choose one or more servers to configure/unconfigure for data collection:
    Application servers not yet configured:
    	1. co098170Node01Cell.co098170Node01.server1(AppSrv01)	
    Enter a number or numbers separated by commas, or enter * to select all:  
    • For a stand-alone environment, application server instances must be running during the configuration.
    • For a Network Deployment, WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, or WebSphere Compute Grid environment, the Node Agent and Deployment Manager must be running.
    • Ensure that the application server instances that you select are the actual servers that host the applications or services that you want to monitor.
  10. Enter the number that corresponds to the application server instance to configure for data collection or enter an asterisk * to configure all application server instances for data collection. To specify a subset of servers, enter the numbers, separated by commas, that represent the servers. For example: 1,2,3.
  11. In the Integration with ITCAM for SOA Agent section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with the ITCAM for SOA agent.
    Do you want to integrate with an ITCAM for SOA Agent? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]:

    You must install and configure the ITCAM for SOA Agent and its application support files, and optionally configure topology support to complete the installation and configuration of the ITCAM for SOA Agent. For more information about installing and configuring the ITCAM for SOA Agent, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA Installation Guide.

    Enter 1 to integrate the data collector with the ITCAM for SOA Agent. Otherwise, enter 2.

  12. In the Integration with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications.

    When configuring data collection for ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications, you can integrate the data collector with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications monitoring agent, or with the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server, or with both.

    Do you want to integrate with an ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications?
    [1 - YES, 2 - NO] [default is: 2]:

    You must install and configure the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications and its application support files to complete the installation and configuration of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications. For more information about installing and configuring the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for WebSphere Applications Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Important: When you configure data collection for ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications for applications servers in a profile where data collection is configured for application servers for ITCAM for SOA version 7.2, you must reconfigure and restart the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal Server to capture ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications data in the topology views of ITCAM for SOA.
  13. Enter 1 to integrate the data collector with the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 16.

    You are prompted to enter the host name of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications.

    Enter the host name or IP address of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere 
    Applications TEMA: [default is:]:
  14. Enter the fully qualified host name or IP address of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications monitoring agent. The monitoring agent is on the local host, so you do not have to change the default.
    You are prompted for the port number of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications monitoring agent.
    Enter the port number of the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Application TEMA:  
    [default is: 63335]:

    You can change the port that is used for communication between the data collector and the ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications monitoring agent. This communication is on the local host; the default port is 63335. You can change the port at a later time, but it is most convenient to set it when initially configuring the data collector.

  15. Enter the port number of the monitoring agent.
  16. In the Integration with ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server, installed on a separate Windows, Linux, or UNIX server, for deep-dive diagnostics. For information about installing the managing server, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics Managing Server Installation Guide.
    You are prompted to specify whether you want to integrate the data collector with a managing server.
    Do you want to integrate with an MS? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]:
    • To integrate with ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server for deep-dive analysis, you must have ITCAM for Application Diagnostics version 7.1 installed. You must have updated the version of the managing server to or later.
    • If you decide not to configure the managing server at this time, you can still configure the data collector to communicate with the managing server later.
  17. Enter 1 to integrate with the managing server. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 20.
    You are prompted to specify the host name of the managing server:
    Enter the host name  or IP address of the  MS
    [default is:]:
  18. Enter the fully qualified host name of the managing server.
    You are prompted to specify the port number of the managing server:
    Enter the code base port number of the MS
    [default is: 9122]:

    The port number is codebase port on which the managing server is listening.

    Tip: The port number is specified in the key PORT_KERNEL_CODEBASE01 in the file located under the managing server home directory. See IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics Managing Server Installation Guide.
    The configuration tool attempts to connect to the managing server and retrieve the value for the managing server home directory. If successful, the tool displays a message similar to the following message:
    MS home directory is: /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS
  19. If the connection to the managing server is not successful, you are prompted to enter the value of the Managing Server home directory:
    Enter ITCAM Managing Server install directory 
    [default is /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS:]
    If prompted, enter the value of the Managing Server home directory.

  20. The utility prompts you to specify whether you want to configure advanced settings for the managing server.
    Do you want to configure advanced settings for the MS? [1 - Yes, 2 - No]
    [default is: 2]:
    Enter 1 to configure advanced settings. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 24.
  21. You are prompted to enter the range of RMI port numbers that the data collector uses to accept incoming connections from the managing server:
    Enter the RMI port numbers [default is: 8200-8299]:
    Tip: Make sure that the ports are not being blocked by the firewall or other applications.
    Enter the RMI port numbers.
  22. You are prompted to enter the range of Controller RMI port numbers:
    Enter the range of Controller RMI port numbers 
    [default is: 8300-8399]:

    Enter the RMI Controller port numbers.

  23. You are prompted to enter the Remote File Sharing (RFS) port number of the managing server:
    Enter the RFS port number of the MS:  [default is: 9120]:
    The RFS server in the managing server kernel listens to the RFS port to accept incoming requests. Enter the RFS port number.
  24. In the Integration with ITCAM for Transactions section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with ITCAM for Transactions.
    Remember: To integrate the data collector with ITCAM for Transactions, you must install ITCAM for Transactions version 7.3 or later within an IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.
    You are prompted to specify whether you want to integrate with ITCAM for Transactions:
    Do you want to integrate with ITCAM for TT? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]:

    After you configure the data collector to support ITCAM for Transactions, you must perform some additional configuration. For details of further configuration options and how to view the aggregated transaction information, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Agent for WebSphere Applications Configuring and Using TTAPI.

  25. Enter 1 to integrate the data collector with ITCAM for Transactions. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 30.
  26. You are prompted to specify the host name or IP address of the Transaction Collector, which is the component of ITCAM for Transactions that gathers metrics from multiple agents:
    Enter the host name or IP address for the Transaction Collector: 
    [default is:]: 
  27. Enter the fully qualified host name or IP address of the Transaction Collector.
  28. You are prompted to specify the port number that the data collector uses to connect to the Transaction Collector:
    Enter the port number for the Transaction Collector:  
    [default is: 5455]: 
  29. Enter the port number for the interface to the Transaction Collector.
  30. In the Integration with Tivoli Performance Viewer section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV).
    Do you want to integrate with Tivoli Performance Viewer? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]

    ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server version 7.2 can be used to monitor the performance of the WebSphere Application Server. Performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI) metrics are gathered using the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere and are displayed in the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV). The TPV is accessible from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server is installed separately from the WebSphere Application Server. For information about using ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere Application Server version 7.2 Support for WebSphere Application Server version 8.5 Installation and User Guide.

    ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server 7.2 support for WebSphere Application Server 8.5 includes the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere. Enter 1 to integrate the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere with the Tivoli Performance Viewer. Otherwise, enter 2.

  31. In the Integration with ITCAM diagnostics tool section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data collector with the ITCAM Diagnostics Tool.
    Do you want to integrate with ITCAM diagnostics tool? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]:

    ITCAM Diagnostics Tool that is previewed in the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics beta is built on Eclipse. The tool is used for diagnostic investigation of applications that are running on the WebSphere Application Server. Using this tool, you can analyze data in real time or you can save diagnostic information to a file for later analysis. For information about using the ITCAM Diagnostics Tool, see ITCAM Diagnostic Tool Installation Guide.

    Enter 1 to integrate the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere with the ITCAM Diagnostics Tool. Otherwise, enter 2.

  32. In the Advanced Settings section, the utility provides options for performing advanced configuration of the data collector. The utility prompts you to specify whether to change the garbage collection log path:
    Do you want to specify a Garbage Collection log path? [1 - YES, 2 - NO] 
    [default is: 2]: 
    Enter 1 to select a garbage collection log path. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 34.
  33. You are prompted to specify the garbage collection log path:
    Enter the GC log path:
    Enter a file name with its full path. The data collector automatically modifies the log file name, adding the server instance information to it. For example, if you specify gc.log as the file name, the actual name is set to profile_name.cell_name.node_name.server_name.gc.log for every configured application server instance.
    Important: In the garbage collection log path, you can use WebSphere variables such as ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}. However, do not use templates, such as %pid.
  34. In the Data collector configuration summary section, the utility provides a summary of the data collector configuration that is to be applied to the specified application server instances:
     1) List of servers selected
       - WAS server: co098170Node01Cell.co098170Node01.server1(AppSrv01) 
           WAS cell: co098170Node01Cell 
            WAS node: co098170Node01 
           WebSphere Profile home    : 
           wsadmin location          : 
                         WAS version : 
                          Deployment : Standalone 
                            JVM mode : 32 
                  Configuration home : /opt/IBM/ITM/dchome 
     2) Integrate with ITCAM for SOA Agent : Yes 
     3) Integrate with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications : Yes 
           TEMA hostname or IP address : 
                    TEMA port number : 63335 
                          Monitor GC : No 
     4) Integrate with ITCAM for AD Managing Server : No 
           MS hostname or IP address : 
             MS codebase port number : 9122 
                   MS home directory : /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS 
     5) Integrate with ITCAM for Transactions : Yes 
           Transaction Collector hostname : 
           Transaction Collector port number : 5455 
     6) Integrate with Tivoli Performance Viewer : No 
     7) Integrate with ITCAM diagnostics tool : No 
     8) Advanced settings :  
           Set Garbage Collection log path : No 
    You may accept or update your configuration choices for the following sections:
     1) List of servers selected 
     2) Integrate with ITCAM for SOA Agent 
     3) Integrate with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications 
     4) Integrate with ITCAM for AD Managing Server 
     5) Integrate with ITCAM for Transactions 
     6) Integrate with Tivoli Performance Viewer 
     7) Integrate with ITCAM diagnostics tool 
     8) Advanced settings
    To modify a section, enter the number. To modify all sections, enter '*'. 
    To accept you configuration without modifying, enter 'a'.
    To quit the selection, enter 'q':

    The summary section provides options to reconfigure parts of the data collector configuration before applying the changes and an option to exit the configuration tool without applying your changes. Enter the number that represents the section you want to edit. Enter an asterisk (*) to reconfigure all sections. Enter a to accept your changes. Enter q to exit the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere Configuration utility without configuring the data collector.

  35. When you enter a to accept your changes, you are prompted to specify whether you want to create a backup of your current WebSphere Application Server configuration:
    Do you want to backup current WebSphere configuration? [1 - YES, 2 - NO]
    [default is: 2]:
  36. Enter 1 to create a backup of the current configuration. Otherwise, enter 2.
The changes are applied and a status message is presented to indicate that the configuration of the data collector for the profile is complete:
Successfully executed config for Cell: co098170Node01Cell 
Node: co098170Node01 Profile: AppSrv01.
Important: After configuring the data collector to monitor application server instances, you must restart the instances as directed by the utility. The data collector configuration takes effect when the application server instances are restarted.