Application Details (Robotic)

This workspace shows the detailed trend and historical status for a selected application so that you have a quick view of what is working and what is not working.

Application Details displays details for a specific application over a specified period of time. You can customize the time period during which data is collected.

Figure 1. Application Details (Robotic) workspace
An example of the Application Details workspace.
This workspace has the following views:
Application Availability Trend

Shows the availability status for the selected monitored application over a period of time.

White lines in the graph indicate that no response time metrics were reported during that aggregation interval. If a script cannot be completed in an aggregation interval, that interval may be skipped and no response time metrics are reported for that interval. The script is then run for the next interval. To correct this problem, make the following adjustments:
  • Set the number of retries in the profile to zero. If retries are enabled, the script may restart the playback and discard the previous playback time, resulting in irregular playback intervals.
  • Set the timeout value in the profile to a very high value. This technique ensures that the Rational Performance Tester engine rather than ITCAM for Transactions times out the script if necessary.
  • Increase the playback interval. For example, from 15 minutes to 20 -30 minutes.
Response Time Breakdown
Shows a detailed breakdown of all Client, Network, or Server metrics so you can see where a transaction is taking the most time. Response time is the time elapsed between the user's request and the completion of a transaction.
Selected Application
Displays information about the monitored application that was selected previously to access this workspace.
Transaction Current Status
Shows the status of transactions being monitored for the selected application. The table shows all of the associated data for volume and response time. You can sort through this table with IBM Tivoli Monitoring sort mechanisms and find information on every attribute.

In the tables, the column names are the same as the attributes that supply the information to this workspace. For a definition of a particular column, see Response Time - Attributes listed alphabetically.

Accessing the workspace

You can link to this workspace from the following associated workspaces:
  • From the Applications (Robotic) workspace, you can use either of the following methods:
    • Right-click the graph in the Application Availability Historical Summary view, and select the Application Details link.
    • Click the link icon link icon next to a table row in the Application Current Status Details view, and select the Application Details link. You can also right-click the table row and select the link from the list of available links.
  • From the Robotic Response Time workspace, you can use either of the following methods:
    • Click the link icon link icon next to a table row in the Application Current Status view, and select the Application Details link. You can also right-click the table row and select the link from the list of available links.
    • Click the link icon link icon next to a table row in the Situation Event Console view, and select the Application Details link. You can also right-click the table row and select the link from the list of available links.

Linking to related workspaces

From this workspace you can link to the following workspaces:
  • The Playback Status (Robotic) workspace, using either of the following methods:
    • Click the link icon link icon next to a table row in the Selected Application view, and select the Playback Status link. You can also right-click the table row and select the link from the list of available links.
    • Right-click the graph in the Application Availability Trend view, and select the Playback Status link.
  • The Transaction Status (Robotic) workspace, by clicking the link icon link icon next to a table row in the Transaction Current Status view, and selecting the Transaction Status link. You can also right-click the table row and select the link from the list of available links.