Robotic Response Time deployment and administration

The following diagram illustrates a typical Robotic Response Time deployment:

robotic script deployment
To maximize the effectiveness of Robotic Response Time, follow these guidelines:
  • Install the agent in several strategic remote locations or branch offices to ensure 24x7 availability.
  • Install the agent both inside and outside the enterprise, to help identify which client location are having problems.
  • If Rational Functional Tester, or Mercury LoadRunner is used as a recorder, the recorder must also be installed on the same system with the Robotic Response Time agent.
  • Install the recorder on 1 or 2 intranet systems with dedicated script developers.

The following test scripts are supported by Robotic Response Time:

  • Rational Performance Tester
    • BSD Oracle ERP scripts. See the Software Prerequisites in the Information Center for information about versions of the BSD Oracle plugin that are supported for supported versions of Rational Performance Tester.
      Note: Older versions of the plugin are supported, but the breakdown availability of the response time data is available only for the Client portion.
    • Citrix scripts
    • HTTP/HTTPS scripts
    • SAP GUI scripts
    • SAP Web Interface scripts
    • Siebel scripts
    • Socket extensions, including TN3270 connections
    • Web Services/SOA scripts
  • Rational Functional Tester
    • GUI scripts
  • Mercury LoadRunner
    • HTTP/HTTPS scripts
  • CLI Command
    • Shell scripts
    • Scripts that are developed using a scripting language
Keep in mind the following deployment considerations:
  • Install the agent on a dedicated system.
  • Rational Functional Tester, Citrix, SAP, and Siebel playback run only on Windows systems.
  • Rational® Performance Tester HTTP/HTTPS scripts run on Windows and xLinux (RHEL, SUSE) systems.
  • Rational Functional Tester requires the screen to be unlocked, so the system must be in a secure location or running in a VM instance with a locked host.
  • Both secure and non-secure web services are supported. For secure web services, only the following protocol specifications are supported:
    • HTTPS based SOAP
    • WS-Security
    • WS-Addressing
    • WS-ReliableMessaging

After you set up robotic playbacks, Robotic Response Time can identify bottlenecks in the Client, Network or Server by breaking down response time data into segments, so that you can understand trends and system loads. The breakdown availability of the response time data is determined by the type of robotic scripts and the availability of metric definitions. The breakdown availability of different robotic scripts is explained in the following table.

Table 1. Breakdown availability to different robotic scripts
Robotic script type Client time Network time Server time
BSD Oracle ERP scripts Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Citrix Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester HTTP/HTTPS Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester SAP GUI Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester SAP Web Interface Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Siebel Yes Yes Yes
Rational Performance Tester Socket Extensions Yes No No
Rational Performance Tester Web Services/SOA Yes No No
Rational Functional Tester Yes No No
Mercury LoadRunner HTTP/HTTPS Yes No No
Command Line scripts Yes No No

Robotic Response Time administration

The following table lists the configuration files for Robotic Response Time:
Restriction: Do not modify configuration files without explicit instructions from IBM® Support.
File Description
Windows environment
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\kt6env Environment variables for the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\${HOSTNAME}_t6.cfg Saved Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent configuration settings
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\ Robotic Response Time JLOG configuration
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\app\RPT\config\ Rational Performance Tester Configuration parameters
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\app\RPT\config\ Rational Performance Tester JLOG configuration
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\app\RPT\config\managed_jvm.xml Rational Performance Tester Managed JVM Java™ parameters
UNIX environment
CANDLE_HOME/config/t6.ini Environment variables for the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Agent
CANDLE_HOME/config/${HOSTNAME}_t6.cfg Saved Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent configuration settings
CANDLE_HOME/config/ Robotic Response Time JLOG configuration
CANDLE_HOME/tmaitm6/app/RPT/config/ Rational Performance Tester Configuration parameters (xLinux only)
CANDLE_HOME/tmaitm6/app/RPT/config/ Rational Performance Tester JLOG configuration (xLinux only)
CANDLE_HOME/tmaitm6/app/RPT/config/managed_jvm.xml Rational Performance Tester Managed JVM Java parameters (xLinux only)
There are additional Robotic Response Time parameters that you do not need to configure, but which are however configurable. These parameters are not displayed in the Robotic Response Time Agent Configuration window. However, you can customize the parameters directly in the kt6env file.
Note: Modifying parameters in the kt6env file can have unintended consequences.
In kt6env:
  • SNAP_PLAYBACK_INTERVAL forces playback to occur at intervals from the top of the hour, instead of at the specified intervals from when the agent starts. Set SNAP_PLAYBACK_INTERVAL=Y to have the agent play back at intervals from the top of the hour.
The following table lists the trace and log files for Robotic Response Time:
Note: For more information about trace and log files, see the Troubleshooting Guide.
File Description
Windows environment
CANDLE_HOME\tmaitm6\logs\${HOSTNAME}_t6_*.log Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent RAS1 logs. RAS1 is the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring logging facility.
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\trace-robotic.log Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent JLOG trace statements
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\msg-robotic.log Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent JLOG message statements
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\RPT\ {runtime version}\trace-rpt.log Rational Performance Tester JLOG trace statements
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ibm\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\{applicationname}\{scriptname}\msg-rptHistory.log Rational Performance Tester execution history
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\RFT\{scriptname}\* Rational Functional Tester
UNIX environment
CANDLE_HOME\logs\${HOSTNAME}_t6_*.log Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent RAS1 logs. RAS1 is the name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring I logging facility.
/var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs/trace-robotic.log Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent JLOG trace statements
/var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs/msg-robotic.log Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent JLOG message statements
/var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs/RPT/ {runtime version}/trace-rpt.log Rational Performance Tester JLOG trace statements
/var/ibm/tivoli/common/BWM/logs/{applicationname}/{scriptname}/msg-rptHistory.log Rational Performance Tester execution history