Exporting Rational Performance Tester scripts

You can export Rational Performance Tester scripts to the Application Management Console.

When you export a Rational Performance Tester script to the Application Management Console, the script is uploaded to the following directory as an archived file: CANDLE_HOME\kt1depot\T3\RPT. The archive filename is the script name.

Before you export a script, ask your system administrator (or the person who installed Response Time for the following information:
  • Fully-qualified host name for the Application Management Console monitoring agent which stores all the uploaded script files in a file depot.
  • If SSL security is required, the Keyfile and Keyfile password.
  • Server port number for the monitoring agent.
  • Proxy settings (if any), including the fully-qualified host name and port number.
Note: Ensure that the script filename is 3 or more characters. If you try to export scripts with 1 or 2 characters, error BWMEC0003E is generated. To rename a script, complete the following steps:
  1. In the RPT workbench, in the Test Navigator, locate the script you want to rename.
  2. Right-click the script and select Rename.
  3. Save the script with at least 3 characters.
  4. Run the script as a test. If the script runs correctly, upload it to the Application Management Console using the procedure described next.

To export Rational Performance Tester scripts to the Application Management Console:

  1. In the Navigator tab in Rational Performance Tester, right-click the script you want to export, and select Upload to ITCAM, or use the Upload test scripts icon icon.
  2. Fill in the required fields with the information collected from your system administrator and click Next.
    Upload window

    If the information provided is correct and the Export process is able to connect to the specified Application Management Console, the Select projects window is displayed.

  3. In the Select projects window, select the project that contains the test files you want to export and click Next.
  4. The Select the files to export window lists the files that are in the projects you selected in the previous window. Select the files that you want to export.
  5. The next step depends on whether one of the selected tests has associated data pools.
    • If none of the selected tests have references to encrypted data pools, the Finish button is enabled and the tests can be exported.
    • If one or more of the selected tests have references to encrypted data pools, click Next to display the Specify Passwords for Encrypted Datapools window.
  6. The Specify Passwords for Encrypted Datapools window shows a row for each project with encrypted datapool variables. Select the row for a datapool and enter the password. Repeat this process for each datapool.
    Tip: The Finish button is only enabled after you enter passwords for all data pools.
  7. Click Finish to export selected files to the Application Management Console.

You can change the application name for an exported Rational Performance Tester script in the export wizard. However, you must use the Application Management Configuration Editor to change the application reporting value for the transaction, for the new value to be displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

For information on creating scripts with data pools, see Creating and editing Rational Performance Tester scripts with Test Perspective.