Installing integration support for Rational Functional Tester

To use Rational Functional Tester with Robotic Response Time, you must first install integration support. You must have administrator privileges to install the Rational Integration Support package.

Rational Functional Tester is an automated tool for functional testing, regression testing, GUI testing, and data-driven testing. The following list describes some of its key features:
  • Automated tests can play back reliably even if the user interface for your application changes frequently.
  • An automated wizard for data-driven testing increases test coverage by reusing individual tests with multiple sets of test data.
    Tip: If you use Rational Functional Tester as a test tool during the development cycle, you can reuse the scripts for production monitoring with Robotic Response Time.
  • Storyboard testing simplifies test visualization and editing using natural language and rendered screen shots.
  • Dynamic data is validated with multiple wizards, verification points, and support for regular expression patterns.
  • Keywords can be used to automate portions of manual tests.
Note: Install Rational Functional Tester on a dedicated computer and on the same computer as Robotic Response Time. You can also install both Rational Functional Tester and Rational Performance Tester on the same computer, but use separate workspaces for each project.

Installing integration support

Run the Rational® Integration Support Installer to upgrade your existing version of Rational Functional Tester to support the Robotic Response Time agent, and install necessary hotfixes. You must have administrator privileges to install the Rational Integration Support package.

To install integration support for Rational Functional Tester, complete the following procedure:
  1. You must have administrator privileges to install the Rational Integration Support package. Verify the supported platforms for Rational Functional Tester at
    Note: Even though Rational Functional Tester is supported on Windows 2008 and Windows Vista, installation of this Rational Integration Support for Rational Functional Tester is not supported on those operating systems for this release.
  2. Access the Rational Integration Support Installer program from the installation media (CD or downloaded image).
  3. Navigate to the disk1 folder and run setup.exe to start the Rational Integration Support Installer program.
  4. View the Welcome information and click Next.
  5. Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  6. Select the IBM® Rational Functional Tester Version 8.6 and click Next.
  7. Confirm your selection to install the ITCAM for Transactions Version 7.4 Integration Plug-in for Rational Functional Tester Version 8.6 and click Next.
  8. When the installation completes, a success message is displayed. Click Finish to close the Rational Integration Support Installer program.

Silently installing integration support for Rational Functional Tester

To install integration support for Rational Functional Tester silently, complete the following steps:

  1. You must have administrator privileges to install the Rational Integration Support package. Verify that the file $ImagerDir\disk1\runtime\ contains the following line:
    InstallRFT = true

    If the line is commented out with the # character in column 1, remove the # character.

  2. Change to the directory: $WrapperImagerDir\disk1
  3. Run the command:
    start /wait setup.exe -silent -options runtime\RationalResponse.opt
  4. After the silent installation completes, check the file: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\tivoli\common\BWM\logs\trace-install.log for the result. If the installation is successful, the end of the log contains the message: The installation program finished successfully. If the installation fails, the end of the log contains some error information about why the installation failed.

Follow-up or related tasks

See Using Rational Functional Tester in the Administrator's Guide for more information about using Rational Functional Tester with Response Time.