ismconfig does not process SOAP input correctly

The problem: On Windows systems, when using ismconfig.cmd, the string '\"  \"' will be parsed as '\  "'.

For example:
C:\IBM\ITM\CNP>ismconfig.cmd -u sysadmin -p g0vmware -config "-add monitor=SOAP 
profile=SOAP03 @SOAPInputs [ symbol:string='\" IBM \"' ]"
will yield the following record:
(Profile: SOAP03)
  Index 0
  Checksum guicli_1374815981423_408_2d08
  Arguments: {
    timeout = '10'
    failureretests = '0'
    operationnamespace = ''
    wsdl = ''
    location = ''
    username = ''
    operation = ''
    retestinterval = '10'
    password = ''
    description = 'SOAP element.'
    poll = '300'
  SOAP Parameters:
      symbol:string='\ IBM "'
The solution: Either correct the error in the Internet Service Monitoring Configuration, or use the following string in the input:
 '\\\""" '
For example:
ismconfig.cmd -config "-add monitor=SOAP profile=SOAP01 @SOAPInputs 
[ symbol:string='\\\""" IBM \"' ] "