Guidelines for configuring the TRANSX monitor

The TRANSX monitor tests services by simulating a set of activities that comprise a typical user experience. The set of activities is called a transaction, and each activity in the transaction is called a transaction step.

TRANSX profile elements define the transactions. Each transaction step configures an Internet service monitor, such as HTTP or NNTP, to perform the operation for that step. You configure transaction steps through the Edit button on the Steps tab of the TRANSX profile element.

The steps are configured in the same way as you configure any other profile elements. For example, the configuration details for a step that involves the HTTP monitor can include Head/Form parameters, Proxy server parameters, regular expressions, and service level classifications.

When the TRANSX monitor tests a step in the transaction, it records the time taken and the level of service for the step.

Note: The TRANSX monitor requires root privileges if any transaction steps use another monitor, such as ICMP, that requires root privileges.