zAware interval anomaly data

zAware interval anomaly data is applicable only on the IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis platform. The IBM zAware data gatherer, a component of IBM Z Operations Analytics on the Log Analysis platform, gathers this data from IBM z Advanced Workload Analysis Reporter (IBM zAware) and sends it to IBM Z Operations Analytics.

zAware interval anomaly data is provided as a z/OS® SYSLOG data source of type zOS-Anomaly-Interval.

Annotated fields for zAware interval anomaly data

Table 1. Annotated fields for zAware interval anomaly data
Field Description Data type
IntervalAnomaly A double value that indicates the anomaly score for the interval. The score is the percentile of the sum of each anomaly score for individual message IDs within the interval. Double
IntervalEndTime The time, based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), that indicates the end of an interval for which the log messages that are produced are used to generate the anomaly record. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. Date
IntervalIndex An integer that indicates the sequence number of this interval within the specified date. Each index represents a 10-minute period. Long
IntervalStartTime The time, based on UTC, that indicates the start of an interval for which log messages that are produced are used to generate the anomaly record. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. Date
LimitedModelStatus An indication of whether the model that is used to calculate the anomaly score for this interval is a limited model. The following values are valid:
  • YES
  • NO
ModelGroupName The name of an analysis group. Each analysis group is associated with one or more systems from which the logs are used to create a single model. Text
NumMessagesNeverSeenBefore An integer that indicates the number of message IDs that were issued during this analysis interval for the first time but were never seen in any previous analysis interval or in the current model. Long
NumMessagesNotInModelFirstReported An integer that indicates the number of message IDs that are not in the model and were issued during this analysis interval for the first time. Long
NumMessagesUnique An integer that indicates the number of unique message IDs that were issued during this analysis interval. Long
SysplexName The sysplex name Text
SystemName The system name Text
timestamp The time, based on UTC, that indicates the end of the interval record. This time is equivalent to the value for the IntervalEndTime field. When you search for interval anomaly scores that are based on a time stamp, ensure that you search for the end time of the interval record. The format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. Date
zAwareServer The hostname or IP address of the IBM z Advanced Workload Analysis Reporter (IBM zAware) server from which the interval anomaly data is retrieved. Text