Creating a Broadcast Routing Channel Template (Version 2.2.2 and Later)

Dynamic routing channel templates can be created to route copies of the same payload file to multiple consumers. The set of consumers receiving a copy of the payload file can be defined either through the system fact ConsumerBroadcastGroup or through a business process that returns multiple consumer partner names.

About this task

Use of Sterling File Gateway is not strictly limited to the selections provided in this procedure. To simplify your initial use of broadcast with Sterling File Gateway, some suggested selections are provided.

To create a simple routing channel template to broadcast messages to a list of consumers using the ConsumerBroadcastGroup fact:


  1. Select Routes > Templates.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Type a name, for example DynamicBroadcastFromFact.
  4. Select Dynamic.
  5. Select 'Facts in producer file structure' for "What will determine the consumer?"
  6. Select your preferences for special character handling, producer groups, and consumer groups.
  7. Create a new provisioning fact with:
    • Fact Name = ConsumerBroadcastGroup
    • Display Label = name of Sterling File Gateway Partner Group Defining Broadcast List
    • Description = Sterling File Gateway Partner Group Defining Broadcast List
  8. For Producer File Structure and Consumer File Structure, select your preferences.
  9. Save the Routing Channel Template.


When a routing channel is created using the routing channel template above, a value for the provisioning fact, ConsumerBroadcastGroup, must be specified and the value must correspond to a File Gateway Partner Group. Each member of the specified Partner Group will receive a copy of any file processed through the resulting routing channel.
Tip: The fact ConsumerBroadcastGroup does not have to be set as a provisioning fact, it can also be set as a producer file structure file name pattern. If the ConsumerBroadcastGroup is set by the file name pattern in the producer file structure, the producer specifies the name of the File Gateway Partner Group in the name of the file they upload.

Use a Business Process to Identify Consumers

To create a simple routing channel template to broadcast messages to a list of consumers using a consumer identification business process, create a business process that populates a list of consumer names at the same process data element level. For example, a business process named MyBroadcastList might generate the following list of three consumers in process data:
Using the name and sample process data above, create the routing channel template as follows:
  1. Select Routes > Templates.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Type a name, for example DynamicBroadcastFromBP.
  4. Select Dynamic.
  5. Select ‘Business Process' for "What will determine the consumer?"
  6. Select ‘MyBroadcastList' for 'Business Process Name.
  7. Select 'ConsumerNameList/Consumer' for 'Process Data Element Name.'
  8. Select the desired Special Character Handling, Producer Groups and Consumer Groups
  9. Define the desired Producer File Structure and Consumer Delivery Channels
  10. Save the Routing Channel Template.