Version 2.2.2 Enhancements

Sterling File Gateway 2.2.2 provides enhanced functionality.

New Numbering for Builds, Patches, and Versions

The Installation Guide has been revised to reflect the new convention for numbering builds:
  • The build number for Sterling File Gateway 2.2.2 is 2020200.
  • The build number for the corresponding Sterling B2B Integrator 5.2.2 is 5020200.
  • The build numbers are used to designate the jar files and patchinfo files for each release.
  • See the Installation Guide.

Increased Customization and New Features for myFileGateway

  • Extension to myFileGateway enabling custom tabs for access to custom functionality controlled by custom permissions. See Adding Custom Tabs to myFileGateway.
  • Support for displaying myFileGateway within an HTML iframe element. See Deploying myFileGateway within an <iFrame> HTML Element.
  • File upload transfer dialog prevents users from other activity during the file transfer and notifies users of successful completion after a session time out. See Sending a File Using myFileGateway
  • Rebranding for footer on log in page. See Rebranding Sterling File Gateway and myFileGateway.
  • Ability to disable hover help. See Rebranding Sterling File Gateway and myFileGateway.

Broadcast File Transfers

  • Multi-consumer broadcast. See Creating a Broadcast Routing Channel Template, Creating a Broadcast Routing Channel, and Broadcast Messages Using Shared Mailboxes.
  • Broadcast using shared mailboxes

Improved Control over User Permissions

  • Specific permissions can be assigned to user groups or partner users to control which tabs of myFileGateway can be accessed and which functionality is available. See About Permissions.
  • New permissions to control whether the user name is displayed on myFileGateway, and whether the Sign Out menu choice is displayed on myFileGateway. See About Permissions.
  • New tabs can be defined and specified in See Adding Custom Tabs to myFileGateway and Assigning Custom Permissions to Partners,
  • Permissions can be managed to control whether partner users are automatically given access to mailboxes created as a result of routing channels. See

Removing a Partner from a Group

You can remove a partner from a group without deleting the partner, in certain circumstances. See Removing a Partner from a Group in the Integration Architect section.

Additional Fields to Support IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct

When you create a consumer partner that listens for Sterling Connect:Direct® connections, the following fields can be specified during the partner creation:
  • Local Node Name
  • Remote Node Name
  • Local User Id
  • Remote User Id
  • Remote Password
  • Remote Password Confirm
  • Remote File Name
  • Disposition to be applied to remote file
  • Sysopts string to be applied to remote file
  • CheckpointInterval to be used for checkpoint restart
The values supplied for these fields are passed to Sterling Connect:Direct. See Create a Partner in the Route Provisioner section.

Avoid Duplicate Transfers

Delivery channel option to avoid duplicate transfers to listening consumers. See About Delivery Channels and Create a Routing Channel Template.

New and Removed Properties in

Property Description
fgmaxBroadcastListSize Maximum allowed size of the consumer list used for broadcast. If the returned list of consumers exceeds this size, the file is not routed. By default, the maximum size of a broadcast list is set to 100.

Controls permissions granted to intermediate mailboxes (those between a partner user's virtual root and the leaf mailbox). These mailboxes are created during routing channel creation or dynamic routing. Setting this property to true grants View & Execute rights to the intermediate mailboxes to eligible partner users. View rights are required to list mailbox contents. Execute rights are required to ‘log in' to a mailbox. Setting both rights allows users of the FTP and SFTP protocol adapters to traverse through any intermediate mailboxes to reach the leaf. The default is false.

For example:




The property that limited the number of concurrent sessions does not apply.

New Properties in

Property Description

The name of the JavaScript that defines a custom functionality for tabs in myFileGateway. You can list several .js files by incrementing the final x. The value is in the format:

For example:
where CustomFunc = name of the .js file
myfilegateway.extension_tab_resource_ids Contains a comma separated list of resource identifiers that define additional permissions. When setting permissions for users that access myFileGateway, assign myfilegateway.extension_tab_resource_ids for a custom tabs. When you create a custom tab, you can also create a new permission to control whether a user can view that tab. Only new and custom tab permissions are listed in this property.
Restriction: Users must have permissions to at least one tab, either the standard upload, download, file activity, or reports tab, or one of the permissions created for a custom tab.

Documentation Additions

The following enhancements are available in System Administrator Help:
  • Creating User Accounts - inclusion of initial log in user IDs and passwords, clarification of restrictions for creating System Administrators.
  • Rebranding Sterling File Gateway and myFileGateway - additional instructions for greater customization and clean up of files.
  • - provides details about enabling or disabling protocols for search criteria.
  • Sterling File Gateway: Specific Recommendations Checklist - recommendation for persistence settings for business processes for translation layers and custom consumer identification. Clarification that number of threads for processes is not limited by licensing.
  • Improving Loading Time for myFileGateway Partners - suggestions for externalizing your static skin images to a hosting server closer to your users.
  • Adding Custom Protocols - clarification of restriction on business process names for implementing custom protocols
  • About Custom File Layers and Adding Custom File Layers - Reorganized and clarified information to support new file layer types.
The following enhancements are available in Operator documentation:
  • Troubleshoot and Resolve Problems with Broadcast File Transfer
  • Prevent Failed PGP Routes

Response Time Improvement

The following topics provide guidance for improving response time for myFileGateway:
  • Set Up HTTPS for Use with myFileGateway
  • Best Practices: Specific Recommendations Checklist
  • Troubleshoot and Resolve Slow Response Issues

Sterling B2B Integrator Enhancements

Shared and Linked Mailboxes

Support for Shared and Linked Mailboxes. See About Shared and Linked Mailboxes and Broadcast Messages Using Shared or Linked Mailboxes.