Valid properties for use in policy rules

An active policy rule can alter the value of certain properties if the condition defined in the rule is met.

The following properties can be altered by policy rules:

Specifies the CCSID that is used at run time to encode character data in COMMAREA and BIT container application data structures. This property is ignored for COMMAREA SARs that were generated by the build toolkit.
The ID of the zosconnect_cicsIpicConnection or zosconnect_cicsConnectionGroup element that defines the connection to CICS®.
A CICS transaction name. This value overrides the value of transid that is set on the connection for this service.
Overrides the value of the collection ID that is set in the service project editor.
Note: A collection ID with a value that contains the # character is not supported.
The ID of the zosconnect_zosConnectServiceRestClientConnection element that defines the connection to Db2®. This value overrides the connection reference that is specified in the service project editor during service archive file generation.
The ID of the imsmobile_imsConnection element that defines the connection to IMS. This value overrides the connection profile that is specified in the API toolkit during service archive file generation.
The ID of the imsmobile_interaction element that defines the connection to IMS. This value overrides the interaction profile that is specified in the API toolkit during service creation.
Overrides the interactionTimeout attribute of the imsmobile_interaction element. This is the value that is set in the IMS TM Resource Adapter method IMSInteractionSpec.setExecutionTimeout() at runtime. This policy property sets the TMRA IMSInteractionSpec property executionTimeout.
Overrides the ltermOverrideName attribute of the imsmobile_interaction element. This policy property sets the TMRA IMSInteractionSpec property ltermName.
Overrides the transaction code that the service invokes at run time.
Overrides the tranExpiration attribute of the imsmobile_interaction element. Accepted values for the value attribute are “true” or “false”. This policy property sets the TMRA IMSInteractionSpec property transExpiration.
Note: The values specified for the imsTranExpiration, imsLtermOverrideName, and imsInteractionTimeout properties are set directly into the TMRA IMSInteractionSpec properties. To learn what these properties control, see the TMRA section of the IMS documentation.
Overrides the JNDI name of the connection factory that is used by the service to connect to IBM® MQ.
  • For a two-way service, this value overrides the JNDI name of the IBM MQ queue to which the service sends request messages.
  • For a one-way service for receiving messages, this value overrides the JNDI name of the IBM MQ queue from which the service receives messages.
  • For a one-way service for sending messages, this value overrides the JNDI name of the IBM MQ queue or topic, to which the service sends or publishes messages.
Overrides the JNDI name of the IBM MQ queue from which a two-way service receives reply messages.
Note: This property does not apply to one-way services.