Trend, Spike, and Exceeded Standard Deviation components

Trend components detect changes in activity measured over defined periods of time. Before you can create a trend component, your trigger system must include a Container or Select component that the trend can use as a data source.

To be available for use in a trend component, a Select component must have a primary timestamp field in the output.

Three components track trends.

Trend component
Detects simple trends. For example, the average rolling monthly balance has been increasing or decreasing by 10% over the last three months.
Spike component
Detects an unusually large change in activity. For example, a deposit is 50% larger or smaller than any other deposit made in the last 3 months.
Exceeded Standard Deviation (ESD) component
Detects activity outside of the standard variance for a specified time period. For example, a monthly balance that is greater than or less than the average monthly balance for the past 12 months by two standard deviations.

For simplicity, when this document refers to all three types of trend component as a group, it uses the term "trend components."

Trend components never fire on their own. They are used internally by Action or Container Manipulator components. You can configure an Action or Container Manipulator component to fire when a Trend Component evaluates to true.

A trend component can reference a single numeric value from the following components.

  • Container
  • Select