Quick reference: ksysmgr command

Use the following information to quickly find the most common syntax and examples for the GDR ksysmgr command.

Basic usage

Table 1. ksysmgr command: Basic usage
Command usage Command syntax
Basic command format
Alias usage Example 1:
ksysmgr add site
The add action includes the following aliases: ad*, cr*, make, mk, bu*, bld. The asterisk (*) in the aliases signify wild card characters. For example, for the modify action, the alias value is mod*. The command also works if you type modd.

Example 2:

ksysmgr query site
The query action includes the following aliases: q*, ls, get, sh*
Note: You can display available aliases by running the ksysmgr ACTION CLASS -h command.
Log file /var/ksys/log/ksysmgr.log

Configuration commands

Table 2. ksysmgr command: Configuration commands
Command usage Command syntax
Cluster configuration
ksysmgr add ksyscluster cluster_name 
   ksysnodes=ksysnodename type=DR
ksysmgr verify ksyscluster cluster_name
ksysmgr sync ksyscluster cluster_name
Site configuration
ksysmgr add site Site1 
ksysmgr add site Site2 
HMC configuration
ksysmgr add hmc Site1_HMC1 login=hscroot
   hostname=Site1_HMC1.testlab.ibm.com site=Site1
ksysmgr add hmc Site2_HMC1 login=hscroot 
   hostname=Site2_HMC1.testlab.ibm.com site=Site2
Host configuration
ksysmgr add host Site1_host1 site=Site1
ksysmgr add host Site2_host1 site=Site2
Host pair configuration
ksysmgr pair host Site1_host1 pair=Site2_host1
start of changeHost group configurationend of change start of change
ksysmgr add host_group hg_name site=site_name 
end of change
Storage agent configuration
ksysmgr add storage_agent Site1_storage1 site=Site1
storagetype=emc|svc|ds8k|hitachi ip=10.xx.yy.zz
ksysmgr add storage_agent Site1_storage1 site=Site2
storagetype=emc|svc|ds8k|hitachi ip=10.xx.yy.zz
Contact details for notification
ksysmgr add notify user=username 
ksysmgr add notify user=username 
ksysmgr add notify user=username 

Discovery and verification commands

Table 3. ksysmgr command: Discovery commands
Command usage Command syntax
Discovering the resources
ksysmgr discover site Site1
start of change
ksysmgr discover host_group hg_name
end of change
Verifying the configuration
ksysmgr verify site Site1
start of change
ksysmgr verify host_group hg_name
end of change
Discovering the resources and also verifying the configuration
ksysmgr discover site site_name verify=true
start of change
ksysmgr discover host_group hg_name verify=true
end of change

Snapshot commands

Table 4. ksysmgr command: Snapshot commands
Command usage Command syntax
Saving a snapshot
ksysmgr add snapshot 
   type=cluster|basic|detailed ]
Viewing an existing snapshot
ksysmgr query snapshot 
Restoring the configuration data on a KSYS node
ksysmgr restore snapshot 
Removing a snapshot
ksysmgr delete snapshot 

Disaster recovery commands

Table 5. ksysmgr command: Disaster recovery commands
Command usage Command syntax
Moving the virtual machines to another site during a planned disaster situation
ksysmgr move site from=Site1 to=Site2 
       type=planned cleanup=yes|no
ksysmgr move host_group hgname from=Site1 to=Site2 
       type=planned cleanup=no
Moving the virtual machines to another site during an unplanned disaster situation
ksysmgr move site from=Site1 to=Site2 
ksysmgr move host_group hgname from=Site1 to=Site2 
Recovering the failed virtual machines after the site-switch operation is complete
ksysmgr recover host_group hgname

Cleanup commands

Table 6. ksysmgr command: Cleanup commands
Command usage Command syntax
Cleaning up the source site from where the site-switch operation was initiated
ksysmgr cleanup site Site1
ksysmgr cleanup host_group hg_name
ksysmgr cleanup VM vm_name
start of change

Disaster recovery failover rehearsal commands

Table 7. ksysmgr command: Disaster recovery failover rehearsal commands
Command usage Command syntax
Discovering, setting up, and starting the DR failover rehearsal mode
ksysmgr discover host_group|site name dr_test=yes
Checking whether the test environment is ready for the test-move operation
ksysmgr verify host_group|site name dr_test=yes
Starting the VMs in the DR test environment
ksysmgr move host_group|site name from=Site1 to=Site2 
Cleaning up the DR test environment and retaining the normal DR backup state
ksysmgr cleanup host_group|site name dr_test=yes
end of change