Creating a Web Graph

Since many of the data fields are categorical, you can also try plotting a web graph, which maps associations between different categories. Start by connecting a Web node to the Source node in your workspace. In the Web node dialog box, select BP (for blood pressure) and Drug. Then, click Run.

Figure 1. Web graph of drugs vs. blood pressure
Web graph of drugs vs. blood pressure

From the plot, it appears that drug Y is associated with all three levels of blood pressure. This is no surprise--you have already determined the situation in which drug Y is best. To focus on the other drugs, you can hide drug Y. On the View menu, choose Edit Mode, then right-click over the drug Y point and choose Hide and Replan.

In the simplified plot, drug Y and all of its links are hidden. Now, you can clearly see that only drugs A and B are associated with high blood pressure. Only drugs C and X are associated with low blood pressure. And normal blood pressure is associated only with drug X. At this point, though, you still don't know how to choose between drugs A and B or between drugs C and X, for a given patient. This is where modeling can help.

Figure 2. Web graph with drug Y and its links hidden
Web graph with drug Y and its links hidden
