Coefficients (linear models)

This view displays the value of each coefficient in the model. Note that factors (categorical predictors) are indicator-coded within the model, so that effects containing factors will generally have multiple associated coefficients; one for each category except the category corresponding to the redundant (reference) parameter.

Styles. There are different display styles, which are accessible from the Style dropdown list.

Predictor importance. There is a Predictor Importance slider that controls which predictors are shown in the view. This does not change the model, but simply allows you to focus on the most important predictors. By default, the top 10 effects are displayed.

Significance. There is a Significance slider that further controls which coefficients are shown in the view, beyond those shown based on predictor importance. Coefficients with significance values greater than the slider value are hidden. This does not change the model, but simply allows you to focus on the most important coefficients. By default the value is 1.00, so that no coefficients are filtered based on significance.