Setting Options for the Restructure Node

Available fields. Lists all data fields with a measurement level of Nominal (set) or Flag. Select one from the list to display the values in the set or flag, then choose from these values to create the restructured fields. Note that data must be fully instantiated using an upstream source or Type node before you can see the available fields (and their values). See the topic Type Node for more information.

Available values. Values in the set selected above are displayed here. Select one or more values for which you want to generate restructured fields. For example, if the values in a field called Blood Pressure are High, Medium, and Low, you can select High and add it to the list on the right. This will create a field with a specified value (see below) for records with a value of High.

Create restructured fields. The newly created restructured fields are listed here. By default, new field names are automatically created by combining the original field name with the field value into a label, such as Fieldname_fieldvalue.

Include field name. Deselect to remove the original field name as a prefix from the new field names.

Use values from other fields. Specify one or more fields whose values will be used to populate the restructured fields. Use the Field Chooser to select one or more fields. For each field chosen, one new field is created. The value field name is appended to the restructured field name—for example, BP_High_Age or BP_Low_Age. Each new field inherits the type of the original value field.

Create numeric value flags. Select to populate the new fields with numeric value flags (0 for false and 1 for true), rather than using a value from another field.