Configuring IBM SPSS Modeler to Work with IBM SPSS Statistics

To enable IBM® SPSS® Modeler to use the Statistics Transform, Statistics Model, and Statistics Output nodes, you must have a copy of IBM SPSS Statistics installed and licensed on the computer where the stream is run.

If running IBM SPSS Modeler in local (standalone) mode, the licensed copy of IBM SPSS Statistics must be on the local computer.

When you have finished installing this copy of SPSS Modeler Client, you will also need to configure it to work with IBM SPSS Statistics. From the main client menu, choose:

Tools > Options > Helper Applications

and on the IBM SPSS Statistics tab, specify the location of the local IBM SPSS Statistics installation you want to use. For more information, see the >Source, Process and Output Nodes guide or the online help for Helper Applications.

In addition, if running in distributed mode against a remote IBM SPSS Modeler Server, you also need to run a utility at the IBM SPSS Modeler Server host to create the statistics.ini file, which indicates to IBM SPSS Statistics the installation path for IBM SPSS Modeler Server. To do this, from the command prompt, change to the IBM SPSS Modeler Server bin directory and, for Windows, run:

statisticsutility -location=<statistics_installation_path>/

Alternatively, for UNIX, run:

./statisticsutility -location=<statistics_installation_path>/bin

If you do not have a licensed copy of IBM SPSS Statistics on your local machine, you can still run the Statistics File node against a IBM SPSS Statistics server, but attempts to run other IBM SPSS Statistics nodes will display an error message.