Upgrading the software

After you have planned the upgrade and completed the prerequisite tasks, you are ready to upgrade Sterling B2B Integrator.

Note: You must perform a backup of the database. If, for some reason, the update is interrupted or stopped midway, you must manually revert the database changes using the backup and then restart the update.

Follow these steps to perform an upgrade:

  1. Upgrade the database schema to the latest version. Make sure you have correctly configured the below parameters in your Helm chart configuration file, values.yaml.
      enabled: true
      upgrade: true
  2. Configure the below parameter to confirm the upgrade compatibility verification check is complete.
      upgradeCompatibilityVerified: true
  3. Perform helm install, if you want to upgrade from an IBM Installation Manager or Docker deployment.
    helm install <release-name> -f <helm configuration file> <latest version helm chart location> --timeout <timeout in seconds or minutes> --namespace <Kubernetes namespace>
    release-name: release name of your choice
    helm configuration file: custom/updated values yaml
    latest helm chart location: path for latest helm charts
    timeout: specify a timeout for the helm install command. It can be specified in seconds or minutes viz. 3600s/60m
    For a release version upgrade with dataSetup enabled the helm install command takes approximately 15-20 minutes. For a pre-upgraded database it takes about 2-3 minuntes.
    namespace: project/namespace for the product installation
  4. Perform helm upgrade, if you want to upgrade from a previous Certified Container release compatible with the supported Kubernetes container platform and Helm versions.
    helm upgrade <existing release-name> -f <helm configuration file> <latest version helm chart location> --timeout <timeout in seconds or minutes> --namespace <Kubernetes namespace>
    release-name: existing version release name
    helm configuration file: custom/updated values yaml
    latest helm chart location: path for latest helm charts
    timeout: specify a timeout for the helm install command. It can be specified in seconds or minutes viz. 3600s/60m
    For a release version upgrade with dataSetup enabled the helm install command takes approximately 15-20 minutes. For a pre-upgraded database it takes about 2-3 minuntes.
    namespace: project/namespace for the product installation
    Note: Helm upgrade or rolling upgrade is not supported for upgrades from older Certified Container 6.0.3.x releases to latest version releases (>= v6.1.0) due to the underlying container platform and Helm version upgrade limitations.