Downloading the SAP Java Connector

Before you can use the SAP Java Connector for Sterling B2B Integrator, you must first download the files for it.

Follow these steps to download the files that are needed to use the SAP Java Connector.
  1. On the same computer where Sterling B2B Integrator is installed, download the free SAP JCo from the SAP Service Marketplace website at
  2. Log in to the SAP Service Marketplace and access the SAP JCo download software from If necessary, select the Tools & Services page to display the download page.
  3. Download the most recent version of the SAP JCo 3.x for your specific platform. The following table lists the specific files for each platform (included in the .tgz file on UNIX or the .zip file on Windows) that the SAP Suite adapter for JCo 3.x uses in Sterling B2B Integrator:
    Option Description
    Platform SAP JAVA Connector Files
    IBM AIX Includes:
    • sapjco3.jar
    HP-UX11 Includes:
    • sapjco3.jar
    Linux Includes:
    • sapjco3.jar
    Oracle Solaris Includes:
    • sapjco3.jar
    Microsoft Windows Includes:
    • sapjco3.dll
    • sapjco3.jar
    Note: For the most recent version of JCo 3.x on Windows, if you are using the SAP JCo version 3.x.x, you must follow the instructions in SAP Note 684106, which explains that the following Microsoft Runtime Dlls need to be installed or updated:
    • msvcr71.dll
    • msvcp71.dll
    • mfc71.dll
    • mfc71u.dll

    The files are attached to the SAP note in an installable archive. Unpack the archive, and then install using R3DLLINS.exe.

    IBM iSeries Includes:
    • libicudata34.a
    • libicui18n34.a
    • libicuuc34.a
    • sapjco3.jar
    When you are transferring files from Windows to UNIX, ensure that you transfer the files in binary mode.