Document Tracking Service

The Document Tracking Service gathers tracking data about documents. One or more tracking services can define correlation name-value pairs to be gathered about a document or a family of documents.

The following table provides an overview of the Document Tracking service:

System name DocumentTracking
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) category All Services
Description Enables you to define correlation name-value pairs to gather additional tracking data about documents.
Business usage Enables you to gather additional tracking data. You can include one or more tracking services at appropriate points in a business process and define additional tracking data (correlation name-value pairs) to be gathered about a document (or a family of documents).
Usage example When setting up a business process, you can include one or more tracking services. While checking-in the business process, if document tracking has been enabled, the information discovery process will be responsible for creating the document tracking record (and populate it with a unique tracking ID along with pre-defined tracking data) and the tracking service will add to the contents of the tracking record. However, if document tracking has not been enabled, the tracking service will create the tracking record. When the business process is executed and documents are processed, tracking data about the documents is gathered and passed from one step in the process to the next. If, during one of the steps in the process, a document A gets split into 3 documents, A1, A2 and A3, all 4 documents would share a common tracking ID—the relationships between documents within a family are available when a user searches for documents using tracking information as the search criteria.
Preconfigured? Yes (DocumentTracking)
Requires third-party files? No
Platform availability All supported platforms
Related services None
Application requirements None
Business process context considerations None
Returned status values
Returned status values:
  • Success–The service successfully created or updated a tracking record.
  • Error–The service was not successful in creating or updating a tracking record.
Restrictions Requires a primary document.

Implementing the Document Tracking Service

To implement the Document Tracking service, complete the following tasks:
  1. Create a Document Tracking service configuration. See Creating a Service Configuration.
  2. Configure the Document Tracking service. See Configuring the Document Tracking Service.
  3. Use the Document Tracking service in a business process.

Configuring the Document Tracking Service

To configure the Document Tracking service, you must specify field settings in the GPM:

Field Description
Config Name of the service configuration.
use-system-default The system default is to perform document tracking if it is enabled at the business process level. Optional. Valid values are:
  • True – Tracking is performed if it is enabled at the business process level.
  • False – Extent of the tracking operation depends on the discovery-level setting. Default.
discovery-level Optional. Valid values are:
  • None – Information discovery is not performed. Default.
  • Optional – Information discovery is not performed, if it has not been performed previously.
  • Mandatory – Information discovery is performed, even if it has been performed previously.
tracking-scope Tracking scope is an advanced option that is used to update system correlations for better control over the system. Optional.
Note: Changing from the default scope (Custom) may cause conflicts with existing correlations. This custom parameter can be added manually through BPML or through the Advanced editor in the Graphical Process Modeler.
Valid values are:
  • Custom
  • System
  • Adapter
  • EDI
  • EDIInterchange
  • EDIGroup
  • EDITransaction
  • ACH
  • CD
  • MQ
  • Translation
  • Mailbox

Business Process Example

The following example illustrates how the Document Tracking service could be used in a business process:

<process name="TestDocTracking"> 
    <!-- Using custom correlation --> 
    <operation name="Tracking"> 
      <participant name="DocumentTracking"/> 
      <output message="msg-to-service"> 
        <assign to="my-Correlation" from="'myValue'"/> 
        <assign to="my-Other-Correlation" from="'myOtherValue'"/> 
        <assign to="." from="PrimaryDocument"/> 
      <input message="msg-from-service"> 
        <assign to="." from="*"></assign> 
    <!-- Changing system state where needed --> 
    <operation name="Tracking"> 
      <participant name="DocumentTracking"/> 
      <output message="msg-to-service"> 
        <assign to="State" from="'TESTING'"/> 
       <assign to="tracking-scope" from="'SYSTEM'"/> 
        <assign to="." from="PrimaryDocument"/> 
      <input message="msg-from-service"> 
        <assign to="." from="*"></assign> 
    <!-- Do some work here --> 
    <!-- Update state again --> 
    <operation name="Tracking"> 
      <participant name="DocumentTracking"/> 
      <output message="msg-to-service"> 
        <assign to="State" from="'TEST COMPLETE'"/> 
       <assign to="tracking-scope" from="'SYSTEM'"/> 
        <assign to="." from="PrimaryDocument"/> 
      <input message="msg-from-service"> 
        <assign to="." from="*"></assign> 