Change the Number of Days for User Password Expiration

The system notifies you of impending password expirations by placing a message in the System Alerts section of the Admin Console Home page. The message states that your password will expire in a specific number of days. Each day, the number is reduced by one, until the day that the password expires, when you are prompted to change your password.

System administrators can change the number of days prior to expiration in the file. You should make all changes to the file and not the file. If you make the changes to the file and restart the system, the changes you made to the file are overwritten by the file.

To change the number of days for the password expiration:

  1. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. Navigate to /install_dir/install/properties.
  3. Open the file.
  4. Locate the MsgPwdExpires= 15 entry.
  5. Change the 15 to the new number of days for the user password expiration.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Navigate to /install_dir/install/bin.
  8. Enter
  9. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator.
    The changes you made in the file are applied to the file and are in effect for all user accounts.