Performance and Tuning Worksheet

The Performance and Tuning Worksheet can assist you in tuning Sterling B2B Integrator for optimal performance.

It helps you take an inventory of the different parts of your installation that affect performance.

Note: This worksheet is optional. It does not replace the Sterling B2B Integrator System Requirements documentation that you used to install Sterling B2B Integrator.
Use the Performance and Tuning Worksheet to help you determine your hardware requirements according to your processing volumes, operating system, hardware vendor, and number of CPUs you are running.
Request Description Your Answer
How many processing days are there in a month? Enter the number of processing days in a month. Use 30 days as an average. This gives 5 days of maintenance time throughout the year.  
How many processing hours are there in a day? Enter the number of hours you allow for processing all the data.  
How many translations are required for each transaction? Enter the largest number of translations you will have if multiple translations are required for a business process. For example, is data mapped to a common format, and is the common format used to interface with all the external systems?  
Is content-based routing required? If content-based routing is required in your business processes, you require maps, XML encoder, BPML choice, assigns, adapters that are used for routing, and possibly other components.  
Does the content of a transaction have to be verified? This requires translating data into XML. The data will then have to be put in process data and verified using XPath.  
What percentage of the content of the transaction should be verified? Typically, only a small part of a transaction has to be verified. However, if most of a transaction requires verification, you may have significant resources depending on the verification path.  
How many rules have to be applied to verify the content? This is used to calculate the Service Latency.  
How many content elements have to be verified? Enter the number of elements that have to be verified.  
What is the future system growth rate? Current daily volume addition in the future. The default for the current volume is 1. For example, 2 means 100% growth or doubling the system requirements.  
What is the business process persistence level that is required?

Enter the level of persistence (storage to the database) you require for your business process.

Choices include:
  • Full – Saves a complete copy of process data along each step of the process.
  • Minimal – Saves all the steps in a business process and selected copies of process data.
  • None – Saves the first and the last step of a business process, steps with an override persistence level, and selected steps in business process data.
What is the average business process size (KB)? Unless you are very experienced and understand business process context, enter 3.5.  
Who is the hardware vendor hosting Sterling B2B Integrator? Enter the hardware vendor's name, for example, IBM®, Sun, HP, or Dell.  
What is the speed of CPUs in the host? Enter the speed in MHz, for example, 450, 1900 (1.9 GHz).  
What is the number of CPUs in the host? Enter the number of CPUs installed or the number you plan to install.  
What is the amount of main memory in the host (RAM)? Enter the amount of memory in MB, for example, 500 MB, 2048 MB.  
What is the operating system that you are using to host Sterling B2B Integrator? Enter the host operating system, for example, Solaris, Windows Server® 2008, AIX®, or Linux®.  
What is the operating system release and version number? For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Release 5, or Windows Server® 2008 Server Standard Edition R2.  
What are the JVM version numbers?

For example, IBM JDK 1.6.0 SR8 (64 bit) build pxa6460sr8-20100409_01(SR8).

Your JVM version must match the requirements for your version of Sterling B2B Integrator. The build date and lower release numbers must also match.

What are the Sterling B2B Integrator version and patch numbers? Enter the version and patch number for your copy of Sterling B2B Integrator.  
Who is your relational database vendor? Enter the name of the relational database vendor Sterling B2B Integrator uses, for example, MySQL, Oracle, or DB2®.  
What is the relational database version and patch number? Enter the version number and patch number of the relational database.  
What are the other business applications that have to be integrated with? Enter the vendor name of the other business applications that you use in your business, for example, SAP or PeopleSoft. This helps determine which adapters and services you require to complete processing.  
What are the other business applications' version number and patch number? Enter the version number and patch number of the other business applications.  
What data format do you use to exchange data with the other business applications? Enter the different data formats that you use to exchange data with the other business applications, for example, XML or IDOC. This helps determine the amount of translation processing that may be needed to increase system resource requirements.  
What type of inbound transactions do you have? Enter the types of inbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process.  
What is the average size of each inbound transaction type? Enter the average size of your inbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. Base your planning on the larger transactions at peak times for better performance.  
How many of each inbound transaction type do you receive daily? Enter the number of each inbound transaction type received by you daily. This helps determine the processing volumes.  
What is the sum total size of each inbound transaction type? Enter the sum total of each inbound transaction type. This helps in determining the processing volumes.  
What is the average number of files in each inbound transaction by type? Enter the average number of files in each inbound transaction type. This helps determine the processing volumes.  
What types of outbound transactions do you have? Enter the types of outbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process.  
What is the average size of each outbound transaction type? Enter the average size of each of your outbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. Base your planning on the larger transactions during peak periods for better performance.  
How many of each outbound transaction type do you receive daily? Enter the number of each outbound transaction type received by you daily. This helps in determining the processing volumes.  
What is the sum total of each outbound transaction type? Enter the sum total of each outbound transaction type. This helps in determining the processing volumes.  
What is the average number of files in each outbound transaction by type? Enter the average number of files in each outbound transaction type. This helps determine processing volumes.