Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd updateAgent


Use the tacmd updateAgent command to install an agent update on a specified managed system. Updating agents involves stopping any that are running, applying the changes, and restarting them. If a version is not specified, the agent is updated to the latest version.

CLI syntax

tacmd updateAgent {-t|--type} type
                    {-n|--node} managed-os
                    [{-v|--version} version]


-t|--type type
The type of agent to update.
-n|--node managed-os
Identifies the node on the computer that has the agent that you want to update. The node is the installation directory for all agents. The name of a node includes the computer where the OS agent is installed and the product code for the OS agent. For example, stone.ibm.com:LZ is the name of the node on computer stone.ibm.com, which has a Linux® OS agent installed.
-v|--version version
Specifies the version of the agent to switch to. You must specify the version in the format: vvrrmmfff where vv = version number; rr = release number; mm = modification number (fix pack number); and fff = interim fix number. You cannot use this command to revert an agent to a previous version of that agent.
Performs actions without asking confirmation.

CLI example

The following command updates an agent at version 6, release 1.0, fix pack 1, with no interim fixes:

   tacmd updateAgent -t UX -n itmserver:KUX -v 061001000 

Return values

See Table 2.

Related commands

tacmd addBundles

tacmd addSystem


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