Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd startAgent


Use the tacmd startAgent command to start the given agent or agents for the given managed systems. The OS agent must be running on the local computer prior to issuing this command for a non-OS agent.

If you have the authority to start agents and you specify only the agent type, you do not need to log in to start an agent on a local computer.

When you specify only an agent type, all agents of that type are started on the local computer.

To start an OS agent, you must issue the command on the local computer where the agent is installed.

  1. If you have made changes to the agent configuration file on a UNIX® computer, use the itmcmd agent command with the -c parameter to start the agent instead of this command. Using the -c parameter with itmcmd agent preserves any changes that you have made to the configuration. The tacmd startAgent command does not preserve the changes.
  2. You cannot use this command to start a non-default Universal Agent instance that you created manually. Use the itmcmd agent command with the -p parameter instead to start a non-default Universal Agent instance.

CLI syntax

tacmd startAgent {-m|--system} system ...

tacmd startAgent {-n|--node} managed-os
                 {-t|--type} type ...
tacmd startAgent {-t|--type} type ...


-m|--system system ...
Identifies the managed system or managed systems to perform the action on.
-t|--type type ...
The identifiers of one or more agents or agent instances to start. The value of type is scoped to the node level.
-n|--node managed-os
Identifies the node on the computer where you want to start an agent. The node is the installation directory for all agents. The name of a node includes the computer where the OS agent is installed and the product code for the OS agent. For example, stone.ibm.com:LZ is the name of the node on computer stone.ibm.com, which has a Linux® OS agent installed.
Performs actions without asking confirmation.

CLI example

This command starts the Universal Agent agent with the name stone:UA.

   tacmd startAgent -m stone:UA

This command starts all UM agents on the node Primary:STONE:NT.

   tacmd startAgent -n Primary:STONE:NT -t UM

The following command starts all NT agents on the local system:

   tacmd startAgent -t NT

Return values

See Table 2.

Related commands

tacmd stopAgent

tacmd restartAgent


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