Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd describeSystemType


Use the tacmd describeSystemType command to display the configuration options that are available to use with the configureSystem or addSystem commands. If no version is supplied, configuration options for the latest version are displayed.

This command can only be run from a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server containing a depot.

CLI syntax

tacmd describeSystemType {-t|--type} pc
                           {-p|--platform} platform
                           [{-v|--version} version]


-t|--type pc
The product code for the agent that you want to describe.
-p|--platform platform
The platform code or codes of the agents to describe. This value corresponds to the value that is displayed in the Host Type field as a result of executing the viewDepot or listBundles command. For example, "-p sol826" shows valid configuration options for the 'sol286', 'sol296' and 'sol506' operating system types. Use only architectures listed as Host Types as seen in the listBundles or viewDepot output.
-v|--version version
The version of the agent to describe.

CLI example

This command displays the configuration options that are available to use with the configureSystem or addSystem commands for the Universal Agent (type UM) for the Windows NT® platform WINNT, version 060100000.

   tacmd describeSystemType -t UM -p WINNT -v 060100000

This command displays the configuration options that are available to use with the configureSystem or addSystem commands for the latest version of the Universal Agent (type UM) for the Windows NT platform WINNT.

   tacmd describeSystemType -t UM -p WINNT

Return values

See Table 2.

Related commands

tacmd configureSystem

tacmd addSystem


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