IBM Tivoli Composite Application Agent for WebSphere Applications, Version 7.2

Configuration Options

Standard Configuration Options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script. These are the standard options required to configure a WebSphere® Application Server instance for data collection.

Table 1. Standard Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-log logfile_name | -nolog Indicates whether you want to create a log of the configuration operations. If you indicate -log, you can specify a location. The default location is: config_home/data/config-trace.log. For example: /u/itcam72/data/config-trace.log. ITCAM_LOG config_home/data
-help Provides help on the options. ITCAM_HELP  
-batch Indicates whether you want to run the configuration script in batch mode. ITCAM_BATCH=y The default is to run in prompt mode.
-config config_home Indicates the ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server configuration directory, for example: /u/itcam72

The value for this option is generated automatically. To override the automatically generated value, specify a path to be used in the configuration process. This path must resolve to the actual ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server configuration home path.

For example, if the config_home you want is /u/itcam72, but due to symbolic links, the physical path for this logical path is /V1R8M0/u/itcam72. enter -config /u/itcam72. This means that you can change the physical path without reconfiguring ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server. If you need to change the config_home value, rerun

ITCAM_CONFIG=config_home The default is the bin directory.
-conntype SOAP | RMI Specifies the connection type for communications with ITCAM_CONNTYPE=connect_type The default is to use the connection type specified in the file associated with the script you have chosen. If file does not have a connection type specified then SOAP is the default.
-port port Specifies the port number that is used by

In a Network Deployment environment, the specified port is the Deployment Manager SOAP or RMI port (not the application server instance SOAP or RMI port).

To find the SOAP port number in the control region job log, look for:
BBOO0222I: ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is 
available at
port port
To find the RMI port number in the control region job log, look for:
BBOO0222I: ADMC0026I: The RMI connector is 
available at
port port
The SOAP and RMI ports can also be found in the administration console.

The default is to use the port specified in the file associated with the script you have chosen.

-host host Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address used by Do not specify this option if the Deployment Manager is on the same host as the application server, if your application server is in stand-alone mode, or if the correct host name is configured in the file.

In a Network Deployment environment, enter the value for the host for the Deployment Manager.


The default is to use the host name specified in the file associated with the script you have chosen.

-profile profile_script Specifies a profile script for running ITCAM_PROFILE=script If you do not specify a profile script, then none is used.
-user user_id Specifies the user ID to use for connection to This ID is required if Global Security is enabled unless it set in the sas.client.props (RMI) or soap.client.props (SOAP) files. Log in as this user when you run the script. See, Optional: Enabling user ID and password input from sas.client.props for RMI connector types:, and Optional: Enabling user ID and password input from soap.client.props for SOAP connector types: ITCAM_USER=user_id N/A
-password password Specifies the password to use for connection to This password is required if Global Security is enabled, unless it is set in the sas.client.props (RMI) or soap.client.props (SOAP) files. ITCAM_PASSWORD=
-server servername Specifies the name of the application server. This name is the name displayed in the IBM® WebSphere Application Server administrative console, not the short name used to construct the z/OS® started task names, for example, server1. This option is required if running in batch mode. ITCAM_SERVER=N/A
-serverfile filepath Specifies the path to a file containing a list of servers to be configured. ITCAM_SERVERFILE=filepath N/A
-dmgrhost DeplyMgr RMI hostname Specifies the host name or IP address used to connect to the Deployment Manager RMI. ITCAM_DMGRHOST=IP_or_host The default is to use the local host name.
-smf | -leavesmf Specify whether to activate SMF 120 records in WebSphere Application Server ITCAM_SMF=Yes|No|Leave  
-useclientprops Prevents the script from prompting you for the username and password. The username and password from the file is used instead. ITCAM_USECLIENTPROPS=y|n n
-wasroot path Specifies the installation directory for IBM WebSphere Application Server (AppServer_home. It is the partial path to the file. For example:
If you specify a value for -wsadmin, this option is ignored. If you specify more of the path to the script, it is located quickly, If you specify less of the path, searching takes longer.
ITCAM_WASROOT=AppServer_home /u/WAS80
-wsadmin path_and_file Specifies the full path to the file. For example:
This option is required if running in batch mode and the default script that selects is not acceptable.

You can use any local script. You might want to use a with a particular profile. Any application server script works, but the one under AppServer_home/profiles/default/bin for the application server instance you are configuring is recommended. The script has its own associated file, which specifies the default options for the script.

ITCAM_WSADMIN=path_and_file N/A
-defaulthostname IP_or_host Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address that replaces the value of the local host name for all purposes during configuration of ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server, such as for the bind IP or export IP processes. The value returned by running the hostname command is usually acceptable, but in some environments this value will not work. If running the hostname command returns a value that cannot be used, you can use the -defaulthostname option. ITCAM_DEFAULTHOSTNAME=IP_or_host The default is the system default host name.
hostip host_IP
Specifies the default local host IP address. Using the default, which is the value returned by running the host IP command, as the host IP address is acceptable, but in some environments, this value does not work. If running the host IP command returns a value that is not usable for configuring ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server, you can use this -defaulthostip option.

For multi-homed addresses, the IP address to use will be prompted for. In the batch mode, the first IP address will be used.

ITCAM_DEFAULTHOSTIP=host_IP The default is the system default host IP.

In prompt mode, for multi-homed addresses, you are prompted for the IP address. In batch mode, the first IP address is used.

-localhostname hostname

Specifies the local host name and IP address. This option is used by findServers.jacl to make a node match if there is a problem identifying nodes. This option is used to determine the local node. This option is only required if the WAS_NODE associated with file is not usable. If the -server option is specified, then do not specify a value for this option.

ITCAM_LOCALHOSTNAME=hostname The default is the value entered or the default value for the -defaulthostname option.
-localhostip IP_address

Specifies the local IP address. This option is used by findServers.jacl to make a node match if there is a problem identifying nodes. This option is used to determine the local node. This option is only required if the WAS_NODE associated with file is not usable. If the -server option is specified, then do not specify a value for this option.

-gcoutput Indicates whether you want garbage collection logs enabled. The value y results in logs being recorded to the SYSOUT log. ITCAM_GCOUTPUT=y n

Managing Server options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script required to configure communication with the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server.

Table 2. Managing Server Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
msconnect Indicates you want to enable communication with the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server ITCAM_MSCONNECT n
-kernelip kernel IP addr Specifies the host name or IP address of the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server ITCAM_KERNELIP=IP_or_host N/A
-mshome MS home path Specifies the path to the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server home directory. ITCAM_MSHOME=MS_home /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS
-rfsport01 RFS port 1 Specifies the first RFS port ITCAM_RFSPORT01=port 9120
-kernelport01 Kernel port 1 Specifies the first kernel port. ITCAM_KERNELPORT01=port 9122
-probermiport port range Specifies a range of RMI ports for communication between the data collector and the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server. ITCAM_PROBERMIPORT=range 8200-8299
Specifies a range of controller RMI ports for communication between the data collector and the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server. ITCAM_PROBECONTROLLERRMIPORT
-nomshomeconnect Indicates whether you want to contact the running ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server to get the home path. ITCAM_MSHOMECONNECT=n n
-mshomeconnect Indicates whether you want to contact the running ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server to get the home path. ITCAM_MSHOMECONNECT=y y
-bindip bind ip Specifies the bind IP host name or IP address. ITCAM_BINDIP=IP_or_host The default is to use the local host name.
-exportip export ip Specifies the export IP host name or IP address. ITCAM_EXPORTIP=IP_or_host The default is to use the local host name.

ITCAM for Transactions options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script that are required to configure communication with ITCAM for Transactions.
Note: ITCAM for Transactions is not currently supported on Itanium platforms.
Table 3. ITCAM for Transactions Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-ttapi Indicates you want to enable communication with ITCAM for Transactions. ITCAM_TTAPI=y n
-ttapissn Subsystem name Specifies the subsystem name of the ITCAM for Transactions z/OS subsystem. ITCAM_TTAPISSN=
subsystem name
-ttapidir dir path Specifies the path of the ITCAM for Transactions z/OS HFS directory. ITCAM_TTAPIDIR=/usr/lpp/cyt/jar/IBM /usr/lpp/cyt/jar/IBM

ITCAM for SOA options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script that are required to configure communication with ITCAM for SOA.

Table 4. ITCAM for SOA Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-soadc Indicates you want to enable communication with ITCAM for SOA Agent ITCAM_SOADC=y n

ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications Monitoring Agent options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script that are required to configure communication with ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications Monitoring Agent.

Table 5. Monitoring Agent Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-temaconnect Indicates you want to enable communication with the monitoring agent ITCAM_TEMACONNECT n
-temahost Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address of the monitoring agent host ITCAM_TEMAHOST
-temaport Specifies the port number for the monitoring agent host ITCAM_TEMAPORT 63335

Tivoli Performance Viewer options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script that are required to configure communication with Tivoli® Performance Viewer.

Table 6. Tivoli Performance Viewer Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-tpv Integrate with ITCAM Tivoli Performance Viewer ITCAM_TPV n

Backup WebSphere Application Server options

The following table describes the options in the configuration script that are required to configure a WebSphere Application Server backup.

Table 7. Backup WebSphere Application Server Configuration Options
Command-prompt option Description Equivalent environment variable and value Default
-backup Specifies whether to create a backup of the WebSphere Application Server configuration. ITCAM_BACKUP n
-backupdir Backup directory name ITCAM_BACKUPDIR NA
-backupsuffix Backup suffix ITCAM_BACKUPSUFFIX NA
