Container details

A container is a collection of source or program artifacts for which inventory can be taken. On z/OS® a container can be a partitioned data set (PDS or PDSE) or a source library under the control of a source configuration management system (SCM). On a distributed server a container can be a directory, an EAR, a JAR, or a source configuration management system.

The Container details page shows the details for a particular container. You access the Container details page by clicking a container name on any page on which containers appear, such as the Container summary page.

Use the Container details page to:

  • See the attributes of a specific container.
  • Perform actions on the asset.
  • See other assets that are related to the current asset.
  • See measurements for the assets in a container.

This page contains sections that help you with the following tasks.

This section is in the upper-left corner of the page. It opens the "Bookmark this page" wizard in a separate window.
This section is the shaded area at the top left of the page. It shows the attributes of the asset. If an attribute name is a link, you can access a details page for it by clicking the link. For more information on the attributes shown, see the following topics:
Common attributes
Describes attributes that are common to multiple assets.
File type summary
This section contains a table that summarizes the container files by language, type, and analysis status. Click the number in the File column, to display the appropriate files. If the Analysis status field contains Error, you can click it to display the Activity log summary page. The Activity log summary page contains a list of the errors associated with the files.
DMH_CONTAINER database table
Describes attributes specific to containers. This table has the following dependent tables:
This section is a drop-down list on the right side of the page. From this list you can select actions to perform on the current asset. For more information on the actions available on this page, see the following topics:
Related assets
This section is a series of tabbed tables that show attributes of assets related to the current asset. Click a tab to display each table of related assets.
Lists files included in the current container. From this table you can also assign a new language to a selected file or queue a file for analysis.
Concatenation sets that include this container
Lists concatenation sets that include the current container.
Metrics - overview
Shows a summary of the measurements taken by Rational Asset Analyzer for the assets in the container. Click the link for more information on the Metrics - overview tab.
Metrics - detailed
Shows a summary of a single measurement by language or file type. You can use this tab, for example, to see a summary of Halstead effort for each language or file type in the container. Click the link for more information on the Metrics - detailed tab.
User-related assets
Lists the name and type of assets related to the current impact analysis through user-defined relationships. Also lists the name of the user-defined relationship and the asset's role in the relationship (source or target). Click the name of the asset to open the details page for that asset. Click the name of the user-defined relationship to open the details page for that relationship.
Lists annotations for the current container.
From these tables, you can click a name to open a details page for a specific related asset or click an action to perform it on the selected asset. For more information on the asset types you can link to from this section, click the links under "Related Help."

Messages might appear on the details page for the assets to which they relate. Look for them in the first table. You can click Database -> Errors to view assets with errors.