Creating the Global Registry log stream

You can manually create the Global Registry log stream instead of having the server dynamically create it.

Before you begin

Confirm the following prerequisites:
  • The GLBLREGISTRYEHLQ parameter is not set to NOLOGSTREAMS in the server initialization file AZKSIN00.
  • The server is not running. This customization step should be performed before any instance of the server is started unless the NOLOGSTREAMS parameter is specified.

About this task

To manually create the Global Registry log stream, you must customize and run either the AZKLSGBL or AZKLSGBO customization job before the server is started.


Customize and run one of the following jobs before the server is started:
  • If a coupling facility is used, use batch job hlq.SAZKCNTL(AZKLSGBL).
  • If a coupling facility does not exist within your SYSPLEX environment, then create the DASD-only log stream structure using the batch job hlq.SAZKCNTL(AZKLSGBO).