Customizing z/OS IzODA Livy

Before you can use z/OS IzODA Livy, you must customize your environment for it and its dependent products.

Configuring the z/OS IzODA Livy working directories

Complete this task to configure z/OS IzODA Livy to run using your desired configurations. The following table lists some of the working directories that z/OS IzODA Livy uses:

Table 1. Livy working directories
Directory contents Default location Environment variable Suggested new directory
Log files $LIVY_HOME/logs $LIVY_LOG_DIR Under /var, such as /var/livy/logs
Configuration files $LIVY_HOME/conf $LIVY_CONF_DIR Under /var, such as /var/livy/conf
PID files /tmp $LIVY_PID_DIR Under /tmp, such as /tmp/livy/pid
  1. Follow your file system conventions and create new working directories for z/OS IzODA Livy.
  2. Ensure the Livy server user ID (created in z/OS IzODA Livy Installation and Customization) has read/write access to the newly created working directories.
  3. Ensure that these directories, specifically $LIVY_LOG_DIR, get cleaned regularly.

Creating the Livy configuration files from template

This task creates the livy.conf, and configuration files in the Livy server user ID’s $LIVY_CONF_DIR directory.

Create the files by using the template files located in the $LIVY_HOME/conf directory. For example:
cp $LIVY_HOME/conf/livy.conf.template $LIVY_CONF_DIR/livy.conf

Updating the Livy configuration files from template

You will need to configure the Livy server by using the livy.conf and configuration files located in $LIVY_CONF_DIR directory.

  1. The following parameters should be set in the livy.conf configuration file:
    1. Set livy.spark.master to the Master URL of your Spark cluster. For example:
      livy.spark.master = spark://master:7077
    2. Set livy.spark.deploy-mode to the deploy mode that your Spark cluster accepts.
      Note: When setting the livy.spark.deploy-mode to cluster, Livy session mode submissions are no longer available. In addition, batch job Livy submits with PySpark applications are not supported. Both of these are available only if the livy.spark.deploy-mode configuration is set to client. See Table 2 for more information.
      Table 2. Supported environments per deploy mode
        Client Cluster
      Spark session (Scala) Supported Not supported
      Sparky Session (Python) Supported Not supported
      Spark batch job Supported Supported
      Sparky batch job Supported Not supported
      livy.spark.deploy-mode = client
    3. Set livy.file.local-dir-whitelist to the directories that contain your Spark application files, separated by commas:
      livy.file.local-dir-whitelist = 
    4. You may also modify the host IP address and the Livy server port by setting and livy.server.port: = localhost
      livy.server.port = 8998

      If you have changed the SPARK_LOCAL_IP environment variable, you will likely have to change the as well. By default, the Livy server uses port 8998.

    5. You may also modify the session timeout value by setting the livy.server.session.timeout configuration. We support the following suffixes: “us” (microseconds), “ms” (milliseconds), “s” (seconds), “m” or “min” (minutes), “h” (hours), and “d” (days):
      livy.server.session.timeout-check = true
      livy.server.session.timeout = 1h

      If livy.server.session.timeout-check is set to false, livy.server.session.timeout will be ignored.

  2. Update the $LIVY_CONF_DIR/ with the environment variables pointing to the newly created working directories during the Configuring the z/OS IzODA Livy working directories task.
For example: