Stopping the started tasks

The started tasks are stopped by using the following stop commands with no parameters.
stop azkwrkr
stop azkmstr
stop azkhist
stop azkshuf

If a worker is started for a master task, the worker task is stopped when the master task is stopped. The system looks at the file that is created when the worker is started for this instance, which contains the process ID for the worker process. It does so by using the same naming convention that the shell scripts use (identified by SPARK_IDENT_STRING), and ensures that the worker is either a java process or JVMLDM86 (JZOS).

When the worker is stopped due to the master being stopped, the worker process is ended immediately. This action results in a return code of 0143 in the HASP395 message on the console when the worker stops. This return code is normal and appears as seen in the following example.
stop azkmstr