IBM Endpoint Manager, Version 9.1


You can try several ways to troubleshoot Patch Management for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Troubleshooting actions

The action reported back as a failed download
Make sure your download plug-in is updated to the latest version and is registered with the correct credentials.
The action reports back with "EDR Plug-in failure, Invalid set of initially installed packages"
There is at least one conflict between the packages that exist on the system. The resolver does not work until the conflicting packages are removed.
An action reports back with an installation failure
Check to see whether the conflict is caused by a vendor-acquired package. These packages must be removed for the installation to occur.
An action has failed and the EDR logs state that the private key is missing for some RPM files
When the EDR logs show the following entry when the action fails, this suggests that the RedHat Release Key is not accepted by the rpm command on the system where the action failed:

rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 Public key for <RPM files> is not installed.

You can resolve the issue in two ways:

  • Use rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release.
  • Set gpgcheck=0 in /etc/yum.conf. This option only for the native tools sites.
It is suggested that you use the first command. The second command gpgcheck allows other unsigned packages to be installed.
An action has failed and the EDR logs do not give any information about the failing action
The last six lines of the deployment and test actions are intended to delete the temporary files that are created during the action execution. If the deployment logs do not give information about the reason for the failure, delete the following two lines to troubleshoot:
  • To see the YUM configuration used during the action, delete "{parameter "EDR_YumConfig"}"
  • To see the YUM output that is generated during the dependency resolution, delete "{parameter "EDR_YumResolveOutput"}"
When these two lines are deleted out, the following files are placed in the site folder for the Patches for RHEL Native tools site:
  • EDR_YumConfig_<fixlet id>
  • EDR_YumResolveOutput_<fixlet id>
An action failed and the logs contain YUM-specific errors.
For more information about YUM and errors related to it, see the YUM documentation at and the YUM-related articles in the Red Hat Customer Portal.

Troubleshooting the RHEL Custom Repository Management dashboard

Try the following steps to troubleshoot failed deployments in the RHEL Custom Repository Management dashboard.
  • Ensure that you enable the task that is called Enable custom repository support - Red Hat Enterprise Linux task from the Patching support site.
  • Ensure that when you register the endpoints, you added gpgcheck=0 to Additional fields.
  • Check that the client setting _BESClient_RHEL_AllowYumDownloads in the endpoints is set to 1.
  • Verify that the downloads went through the custom repository through the https service logs in the custom repository.
  • Refer to the following logs:
    • /var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData/register-repo.log
    • /var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData/register-satellite.log
    • /var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData/unregister-repo.log
    The following example shows a log for a standard repository:
    Processing /etc/yum.repos.d/test-repo.repo/etc/yum.repos.d/test-repo.repo
    Done with /etc/yum.repos.d/test-repo.repo
  • Check the repository configurations that are stored in /etc/yum.repos.d/. The configurations include the user name and password of the repositories that the users have.

To check the deployment logs in the endpoints, go to /var/opt/BESClient/EDRDeployData. Endpoint Dependency Resolution - Deployment Results in the Linux RPM Patching site can be used to view the deployment logs on the IBM Endpoint Manager Console.
