IBM Tealeaf login requirements

IBM® Tealeaf® has browser and user name and password login requirements.

Browser requirements

To use the Tealeaf Portal make sure you have a web browser that is supported. The following browsers are supported for use with the Tealeaf Portal:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser version 9 or later
    Note: If you enable Windows Enhanced Security features, you can experience issues when using Internet Explorer to access the Tealeaf Portal. See "Troubleshooting - Portal" in the IBM Tealeaf Troubleshooting Guide.
  • Mozilla Firefox version 14 or later
  • Chrome version 17 or later
  • Safari version 5 or later
Note: If you have licensed IBM Tealeaf cxOverstat, the list of supported browser versions is smaller, as HTML5 support is required. See "cxOverstat Installation and Configuration" in the IBM Tealeaf cxOverstat User Manual.
Note: Several Portal features support the export of Tealeaf data into Microsoft Excel. If you are unable to properly display these files in Microsoft Excel, see "Troubleshooting - Portal" in the IBM Tealeaf Troubleshooting Guide.
Note: A different set of browsers and versions is supported for connecting to the web console of the IBM Tealeaf CX Passive Capture Application.

User nameand password requirements and conditions

In Tealeaf, user names are not case-sensitive. admin and ADMIN both work.

In Tealeaf, passwords are case-sensitive. So, myPassword and MYPASSWORD are not the same password.

Passwords can be up to 32 characters in length.