Structure of Query URL

The following explains the structure of Query URL.

The URL for the web service call is as follows:

Note: All parameter values should be URL encoded.
  • The GetSessionReplayLink function supports the use of NT/AD and Single Sign On authentication methods. See "Authentication" in the IBM® Tealeaf cxImpact Administration Manual.
Table 1. Structure of Query URL
Parameter Required? Type Description
Host Y [string] Hostname of the Tealeaf® Portal Server. The host value might also be an alias for the DNS resolved Tealeaf Portal Server.
Note: Users attempting to replay sessions through a Replay Link must be using computers that are able to resolve through DNS the supplied host value.
WebServiceName Y [string] Virtual directory for the web service. By default, the installed virtual directory is PortalAPI.
SessionType Y [string] Determines the session type scope of the web service search request. Sessions transition from active to complete based on a defined timeout value or through an explicit session close action:

ACTIVE - Active sessions
CLOSED - Completed sessions
ALL - All session
LinkType Y [string] Controls how the session is replayed by the user. RTV represent the Tealeaf IBM Tealeaf CX RealiTea Viewer, a Microsoft Windows-based client application. BBR represents Browser-Based Replay, a web-based replay mechanism delivered through the Tealeaf Portal:

RTV - IBM Tealeaf CX RealiTea Viewer
BBR - Browser-Based Replay
Field Y [string] Data field parameter of the web service search request.
Note: The number of sessions that are retrieved by the web service search request are influenced by the uniqueness of the field/value combination. In most cases, TLTSID should be used.

  • CustomVar0 through CustomVar63
  • For compatibility with pre-Release 8.0 integrations, Tealeaf supports the use of LoginID, UserDef1 - UserDef4, and some session attributes. See Field Compatibility Mapping.
Value Y [string] Corresponding value of the web service search request data field parameter.
MD5 N [string] Determines whether to perform an MD5 hash on the provided value before running the search request.

SessionDate Y [string] The GMT date parameter of the web service search request. The performance and number of sessions returned by the web service search request will be influenced by the date scope of the request. An empty value causes the web service search request to search all available data.
  • Format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (URL Encode the space to _)
    Note: The known SessionDate and time when the Tealeaf session closes might differ. For example, a popup form might be submitted 30 minutes after the user's last activity of the site. As a result, SessionDate is dynamically adjusted to include the most likely date ranges for the session. For sessions that occur within +/- two hours of 'end of day' (00:00:00), the range is extended to include the previous (<= 02:00:00) or next (>= 22:00:00) day in the search.
SessionPreference Y [string] Determines which session to replay when multiple sessions are retrieved by the web service search request.
Note: In most cases the Any option (3) should be used as it causes the web service search request to complete after the first session is retrieved. The Earliest (1) and Latest (2) options require that the web service search request perform a sort operation after all sessions are retrieved.

EARLIEST - Returns the earliest session retrieved by the search, sorted by date-time
LATEST - Returns the most current session retrieved by the search, sorted by date-time
ANY - Returns the first session retrieved by the search
Redirect Y [string] Determines whether or not the resulting replay action, based on the LinkType parameter, will be invoked.
Note: In most cases, the redirect value should be TRUE as it automates the replay action. In situations where additional application logic is required, setting the redirect value to FALSE causes the web service search request to return an XML node that includes the LinkType URL.
Note: A series of web service test interfaces are provided by navigating a browser to the web service URL: http://<host>/<WebServiceName>/cxConnect.asmx. The GetSessionReplayLink link will exercise the aforementioned search request method.