IIS error messages

Information in this topic lists common error messages that are generated by IIS and explains why the message displayed and what actions your can take to address the error.

For more information about IIS status codes, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318380.

Table 1. IIS error messages
Error Explanation
The identity of application pool, 'DefaultAppPool' is invalid
Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created 0x80004005 Unspecified Error

The AppDomain's identity does not have the correct permissions. Review the IIS permissions documentation for defaults.

Failed to start monitoring directory changes

There may be problems with the directory permissions for IIS/ASP.NET. For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317955.

The current identity (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
Do the following:
  1. Open a command shell (Start > Run > cmd) and navigate to one of the following directories with the {{50727)) varying depending on your OS build:
    • For 64-bit O/S:
  2. Run the following command:
    aspnet_regiis -ga "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"
  3. Run the following command:
    aspnet_regiis -ga IUSR_<machinename>
ASP.NET does not work with the default ASPNET account on a domain controller

aspnet_wp.exe could not be started because the user name and/or password that is supplied in the processModel section of the config file are invalid.

CS0016: Could not write to 
output file 
\Temporary ASP.NET Files
Access is denied

Verify that TEMP system env. variable:

  • The folder exists.
  • Network service and maybe the other ASP.NET accounts have full permissions to that folder

For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/825791.

401.2 'Logon failed due to server configuration

No authentication methods were enabled on the Directory Security > Authentication and access control window

Common IIS 404 problems

See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/248033/en-us.

301 status code


aspnet_regiis -i
No log entries in Windows/System32/LogFiles/W3SVC

IIS failed. Verify the required user account permissions. If you do not discover a permissions issue, reinstall IIS.

Service unavailable message

There might be an application pool permissions issue for the Network Service user. For more information, see http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=842493.

Some NT users get the following 400 message:

RequestRequest Length error message when they hit the Portal but others do not

If the user is a member of too many NT groups, IIS may have trouble acquiring the user's large request.

  • If Integrated Authentication is enabled in IIS and it negotiates Kerberos, it is possible that some users have a large Kerberos ticket that hit request header limits.
To fix:
  1. Add registry keys on the Reporting Server to increase the Maximum Field Length and Maximum Request Bytes to accommodate the larger Kerberos tickets:
       MaxFieldLength = 32768 (default = 16384)
       MaxRequestBytes = 32768 (default = 16384)
  2. Restart IIS.
Attempting to log in never leaves Default.aspx

It may be a problem with a cookie.

  • Run SimpleTest.aspx to verify that cookies are working.
  • If cookies are working, verify that the date on the client machine is correct.
    • If the date is too far off, it might think the Portal's cookie already expired, which results in the user remaining on the Login page.
Sessions die every 29 hours (1740 minutes or 1 Day, 5 Hours)

Disable the Recycle worker processing (in minutes) setting in the Portal's Application Pool's Recycling settings tab.

The NT Login/DB Login and New User Dialogs all show on the Default.aspx page

ASP.NET is not functioning properly.

Re-execute the following command:

aspnet_regiis -i
NT Credentials dialog pops up even in Internet Explorer

Verify the following:

  • The user's machine and the Portal machine must both be in the same domain.
  • In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security. Select the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication check box
  • In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options > Security zones. Verify that either:
    • User Authentication > Logon is configured properly
    • The Portal is in the correct trusted zone.
  • If web.config debug=true does not work, verify that the machine.config deployment retail=true.
  • If right after installation, you receive a 500 compilation error, set customErrors=Off in the Web.config file in /Portal/WebApp. This setting disables the custom errors page and helps to narrow in on the problem. If the problem is in the Web.config file, you may be running the Portal against ASP.NET 1.1 and not 2.0:
    1. Verify .NET 2.0 is installed.
    2. Verify ASP.NET 2.0 was registered (Execute: aspnet_regiis.exe /i).
    3. Verify ASP.NET 2.0 is selected under the ASP.NET tab in the Portal virtual directory properties.
      • If no ASP.NET tab exists, you may need to manually register that virtual directory with aspnet_regiis.
Error starting BBRFilter.dll

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86) is missing or corrupted. For more information, see http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=32bc1bee-a3f9-4c13-9c99-220b62a191ee&displaylang=en.

Locale error

To the locale specification for the Portal:

        <globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" 
          culture="en-US" uiCulture="en-US" />
Error creating the Web Proxy specified in the 'system.net/defaultProxy' configuration section.

Error creating the Web
Proxy specified in the 'system.net/defaultProxy' 
configuration section. --->
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 
A dynamic link
library (DLL) initialization routine failed. 
(Exception from HRESULT:
lprasconn, UInt32& lpcb, UInt32& lpcConnections) 
at System.Net.AutoWebProxyScriptEngine..ctor
(WebProxy proxy,Boolean useRegistry)
at System.Net.WebProxy.UnsafeUpdateFromRegistry() 
at System.Net.WebProxy..ctor(Boolean 
enableAutoproxy) at
DefaultProxySectionInternal..ctor DefaultProxySection
at System.Net.Configuration.
--- End of inner exception stack trace --- 
Net.WebRequest.get_InternalDefaultWebProxy() at
System.Net.HttpWebRequest..ctor(Uri uri, 
ServicePoint servicePoint) at
System.Net.HttpRequestCreator.Create(Uri Uri)at
System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Uri requestUri, 
Boolean useUriBase) 
(String requestUriString) at
(String command,
ArrayList args, Int32 timeout)

Web.Config needs the following:

            <proxy usesystemdefault="false"/>
Using IIS7 and seeing 401.2

If you are seeing 401.2 errors, verify that Anonymous and Forms authentications are enabled. Verify account for anonymous is IUSR or some other account that has the proper permissions.