
The following features are new to . cxOverstat.

Tealeaf Redesign

In order to maintain a consistent look and feel across IBM® Commerce products, IBM Tealeaf® enhanced the OnPrem user interface. Product structure remains the same, while certain elements received a facelift. Areas that underwent changes include the login page, dashboard, search, session list and top navigation menu. This will improve the overall user experience and provide a generally enhanced aesthetic.

Overlays for Native Mobile

Using IBM Tealeaf cxOverstat, you can now gain insight into how customers are interacting with your native mobile application on their mobile devices. Tealeaf cxOverstat supports Heat Maps, Comparison Analytics, Link Analytics, Form Analytics, and Color Contrast Analytics overlays for native mobile applications. With these overlays you can view where customers have tapped the screen on their mobile devices, regardless of whether there is a responsive element in that location. You can then delve into each tap and analyze customer interactions within each overlay through BBR or the Snapshot Gallery.