CX Mobile

The following features are new to . CX Mobile.

  • Geolocation data capture

    You can log geolocation information for the users of your applications.

    You can configure automatic geolocation logging when the application starts.

  • Geolocation API

    You can use use APIs to log geolocation information at specific places in your application.

  • Geolocation JSON messages

    A GeoLocation message logs a user's location information.

    The message consists of a control identifier and a GeoLocation value.

  • Many new fields have been added to the JSON messages.
  • CX Mobile now supports integration with the Swift programming language.
  • In version 9.0.2 you can use custom events to trigger DOM capture.
  • A feature that delays DOM capture until frames load XPATH instead of dynamic IDs for application controls that do not have IDs assigned to them by the programmer.

    This makes it possible to create events and reports for specific controls and the IDs will no longer change dynamically.

For information about these features, see the IBM Tealeaf CX Mobile User Manual and the IBM Tealeaf Event Manager Manual.