Why resource definitions need managing

Every CICS® region refers to a set of resource definitions. Typically, organizations maintain each of their CICS regions in at least three separate environments: development, test, and production. Changes to resource definitions are migrated from development to test, and then from test to production. As shown in Figure 1, even if each environment contains only one CICS region, this means three sets of resource definitions, and two migrations to move each change into production.

Figure 1. Migrating resource definitions between development, test, and production CICS environments
Begin figure description. The figure is described in the surrounding text. End figure description.

Real-life systems are typically much more complex, but even a simple system such as this raises issues. For example, if your developers enhance a CICS transaction, requiring a new resource definition for an additional file:

These issues grow as your CICS system topology becomes more complex. Your organization might have several development, test, and production environments, with different numbers of CICS regions in each environment, and a variety of migration paths.

You might have resource definitions that are shared by regions in one environment, but not in another. So you might need to migrate resource definitions not just from one CSD file to another, but also from one CSD file to many. For example:

As shown in Figure 2, when migrating from a shared CSD file to unshared CSD files, you need to ensure that you migrate the resource definitions to the appropriate locations.

Figure 2. Migrating resource definitions from shared to unshared CSD files
Begin figure description. The figure is described in the surrounding text. End figure description.

Environments with many CICS regions often use CICSPlex SM, which stores resource definitions in data repositories rather than CSD files. So you might need to migrate resource definitions between CSD files and contexts in CICSPlex SM data repositories:

Figure 3. Migrating resource definitions from CSD files to CICSPlex SM data repository contexts
Begin figure description. The figure is described in the surrounding text. End figure description.

CICS Configuration Manager addresses all of these issues.