Tivoli Asset Management, Version 7.2    

Installing the DB2 JDBC driver and license JARs

About this task

See Installing DB2 Connect (if required) on how to install DB2 Connect™.

Before installing the JDBC JARs, ensure the Tivoli® Integrated Portal (TIP) service is stopped.

To stop the server, left mouse click Start > All Programs > Tivoli Common Reporting > Stop Tivoli Common Reporting server.

To install the DB2® JDBC Driver and License JARs, copy the required JARs from the source directory to the destination directory. For the Linux® on IBM® System z® platform, the JDBC JAR files must be uploaded in binary mode.

DB2 JARs required are:

The DB2 Universal JDBC Driver.
The license file, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar, contains licenses for Linux, Unix, Windows®, IBM System i®, and IBM System z. The IBM System z license is required in order to establish a JDBC connection to DB2 running on z/OS®.

The 'Personal Edition' installations of DB2 Connect do not contain the license db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar. They contain the alternate license db2jcc_license_cu.jar. This alternate license is not sufficient to connect to DB2 running on z/OS. To avoid this issue, ensure you install the Enterprise or Server editions of DB2 Connect that match the DB2 z/OS versions.

Source directory:

C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java

Destination directory (Windows):


Destination directory (Linux):


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