(C1xx) Service processor progress codes (checkpoints)

C1xx progress codes, or checkpoints, offer information about the initialization of both the service processor and the server.

Table 1. (C1xx) Service processor progress codes (checkpoints)

Progress Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Items
C10010xx Pre-standby FSPSPC1
C1001014 Pre-standby FSPSPC1
C1001020 Pre-standby FSPSPC1
C1001F00 Pre-standby: starting initial transition file FSPSPC1
C1001F0D Pre-standby: discovery completed in initial transition file.

While this system displays this checkpoint, the service processor card reads the system vital product data (VPD). The service processor must complete reading the system VPD before the system displays the next progress code (checkpoint). Reading the system VPD might take as long as 15 minutes on systems with maximum configurations or many disk drives. Wait at least 15 minutes for this checkpoint to change before you decide that the system is hung.

If you determine that the system is hung at this checkpoint, do the following:

  • On model 285, 520, or 9131-52A, reseat the VPD card. See Exchanging the VPD card in the model 520 and 285 for more information.
  • On all other models (or if the preceding action did not resolve the problem), use the specified action in the Failing Item column.
C1001F0F Pre-standby: waiting for standby synchronization from initial transition file FSPSPC1
C1001FFF Pre-standby: completed initial transition file FSPSPC1
C1009x02 Hardware object manager: (HOM): build cards IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x04 Hardware object manager: (HOM): build processors IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x06 Hardware object manager: (HOM): build chips IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x08 Hardware object manager: (HOM): build HOM IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x10 Hardware object manager: (HOM): configure HOM IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x12 Hardware object manager: (HOM): initialize HOM IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x18 Hardware object manager: (HOM): validate HOM IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x1B GARD IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x20 Get LBIST values IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x23 Clock test IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x28 Frequency control IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x30 Initalize JTAG IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x38 Mask attentions IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x40 CEC flush IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x48 Scan interface basic assurance tests (SIBATs) IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x50 LBIST IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x58 ABIST IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x60 Asset protection IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x68 Wire test IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x70 Memory size IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x78 Long scan initialization IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x80 Start clocks IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x88 SCOM initialization IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x90 Run interface alignment procedure IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x98 DRAM initialization IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009x9B Random data test IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xA0 Memory diagnostic IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xA8 Dump initialization IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xB0 Processor runtime diagnostics (PRD) IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xB8 Enable machine check IPL step in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xC0 Message passing wait in progress FSPSPC1
C1009xC8 Message passing start in progress FSPSPC1
C100C1xx Power control FSPSPC1
C100D009 Licensed Internal Code (system) running initialization
C1011F00 Pre-standby: starting independent initial transition file (primary/secondary) FSPSPC1
C1011FFF Pre-standby: completed independent initial transition file (primary/secondary) FSPSPC1
C1021F00 Pre-standby: starting primaryInitial transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1021FFF Pre-standby: completed primaryInitial transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1031F00 Pre-standby: starting secondaryInitial transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1031FFF Pre-standby: completed secondaryInitial transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C103A1xx Hypervisor code modules are being transferred to system storage FSPSPC1
C103A2xx Hypervisor data areas are being built in system storage FSPSPC1
C103A3xx Hypervisor data structures are being transferred to system storage FSPSPC1
C103A400 Special purpose registers are loaded and instructions are started on the system processors FSPSPC1
C103A401 Instructions have been started on the system processors FSPSPC1
C103C2xx The service processor is waiting for the batteries in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to charge prior to automatic power on-IPL. The last byte (xx) will increment while waiting on the UPS batteries. FSPSPC1
C1041F00 Pre-standby: starting GardedInitial transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1041FFF Pre-standby: completed GardedInitial transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C104550x The system reboot is waiting until the sibling service processor reaches the termination state. The last nibble (x) will toggle between 0 and 1.
C10F2000 Halt: starting halt transition file
C10F20FF Halt: completing halt transition file
C1112000 Power on: starting Standby-PowerOnTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C11120FF Power on: completed Standby-PowerOnTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1122000 Power on: starting PowerOnTransition-PoweredOn transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C11220FF Power on: completed PowerOnTransition-PoweredOn transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1132000 Power on: starting PoweredOn-IplTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C11320FF Power on: completed PoweredOn-IplTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C116C2xx System power interface is listening for power fault events from SPCN. The last byte (xx) will increment up from 00 to 1F every second while it waits. FSPSPC1
C1202000 IPL transition: starting PowerOn/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C12020FF IPL transition: completed PowerOn/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C12040xx IPL lock time left until expiration. The last byte (xx) will count down as the IPL lock time runs out (FF-00). FSPSPC1
C1212000 IPL transition: starting Standard/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C12120FF IPL transition: completed Standard/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1222000 IPL transition: starting Flash/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C12220FF IPL transition: completed Flash/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1232000 IPL transition: starting PostDump/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C12320FF IPL transition: completed PostDump/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1242000 IPL transition: starting Idle/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C12420FF IPL transition: completed Idle/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1252000 IPL transition: starting Standby/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C12520FF IPL transition: completed Standby/IplTransition-Ipl transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1382000 IPL: starting HostStarted-BcuSwitched transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C13820FF IPL: completed HostStarted-BcuSwitched transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1392000 IPL: starting BcuSwitched-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C13920FF IPL: completed BcuSwitched-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1402000 IPL: starting Normal/fast/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C14020FF IPL: completed Normal/fast/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1412000 IPL: starting Normal/slow/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C14120FF IPL: completed Normal/slow/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1422000 IPL: starting PostDump/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C14220FF IPL: completed PostDump/Ipl-HostStarted transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1432000 IPL: starting Ipl-IdleTransition transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C14320FF IPL: completed Ipl-IdleTransition transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1442000 IPL: starting IdleTransition-Idle transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C14420FF IPL: completed IdleTransition-Idle transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1452000 IPL: starting Ipl-StandbyVerificationTransition transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C14520FF IPL: completed Ipl-StandbyVerificationTransition transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1462000 IPL: starting StandbyVerificationTransition-Standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C14620FF IPL: completed StandbyVerificationTransition-Standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1472000 IPL: starting normal/ipl-hoststarted transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C14720FF IPL: completing normal/ipl-hoststarted transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1482000 IPL: starting normal/backup/ipl-hoststarted transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C14820FF IPL: completing normal/backup/ipl-hoststarted transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C162E402 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the service processor. SVCPROC
C162E403 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the operator panel. CTLNPL
C162E405 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the VPD card. CAPACTY
C162E408 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the system backplane. SYSBKPL
C162E410 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from a processor. ANYPROC
C162E41C If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the system. CAPACTY
C162E41E If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the enclosure. SYSBKPL
C162E420 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the IO backplane. IO_HUB
C162E421 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the IO hub. IO_HUB
C162E430 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from SPCN. SVCPROC
C162E4A0 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from the VSBP Starting Point. CAPACTY
C162E4D0 If the system hangs on this checkpoint, the service processor is unable to collect VPD from memory DIMM. MEMDIMM
C1645300 Starting a data synchronization operation between the primary service processor and the secondary service processor. FSPSPC1
C1645301 Completed a data synchronization operation between the primary service processor and the secondary service processor. FSPSPC1
C16453xx A large data synchronization operation from the primary service processor to the secondary service processor is taking place. The last nibble (x) will toggle between 2 and 3. FSPSPC1
C1802000 Termination: starting TerminationTransition-Termination transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C18020FF Termination: completed TerminationTransition-Termination transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1902000 Power off: starting Any-Dpo transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C19020FF Power off: completed Any-Dpo transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1912000 Power off: starting Any-PowerOffTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C19120FF Power off: completed Any-PowerOffTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1922000 Power off: starting PowerOffTransition-PoweredOff transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C19220FF Power off: completed PowerOffTransition-PoweredOff transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C02000 Secondary VERIFICATION: starting Standby-StandbyVerification transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C020FF Secondary verification: completed Standby-StandbyVerification transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C12000 Secondary verification: starting StandbyVerification-Standby transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C120FF Secondary verification: completed StandbyVerification-Standby transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C22000 Secondary verification: starting Runtime-secondaryVerification transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C220FF Secondary verification: completed Runtime-secondaryVerification transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C32000 Secondary verification: starting secondaryVerification-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C320FF Secondary verification: completed secondaryVerification-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1C42000 Failover: starting failover/failover-termination transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1C420FF Failover: completed failover/failover-termination transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1C52000 Failover: starting failover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1C520FF Failover: completed failover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1C62000 Failover: starting failover/failover-standby transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1C620FF Failover: completed failover/failover-standby transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1C72000 Failover: starting failover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1C720FF Failover: completed failover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CA2000 Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-runtime transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CA20FF Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-runtime transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CB2000 Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CB20FF Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-termination transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CC2000 Connection monitoring failover: starting survfailover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1CC20FF Connection monitoring failover: completed survfailover/backup/failover-standby transition file (secondary) FSPSPC1
C1D22000 Dump: starting DumpTransition-Dump transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1D2200D Dump: calling hardware dump from DumpTransition-Dump transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1D2200F Dump: calling main store dump from DumpTransition-Dump transition file (master) FSPSPC1
C1D220FF Dump: completed DumpTransition-Dump transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1E82000 Exit error: starting ExitError/Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1E820FF Exit error: completed ExitError/Ipl transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1E92000 Extract exit error: starting ExtractExitError/ipl transition file (master)
C1E920FF Extract exit error: completed ExtractExitError/ipl transition file (master)
C1EA2000 Extract exit error: starting ExtractExitError/Backup/ipl transition file (secondary)
C1EA20FF Extract exit error: completed ExtractExitError/Backup/ipl transition file (secondary)
C1F22000 Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-LimitedRuntime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1F220FF Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-LimitedRuntime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1F32000 Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1F320FF Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-Runtime transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1F42000 Reset/reload: starting Reset/Ipl-TermTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1
C1F420FF Reset/reload: completed Reset/Ipl-TermTransition transition file (primary) FSPSPC1

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