Virtual terminal errors (Comm) error codes

When using a virtual terminal (VTERM), you might see an error code displayed in the bottom-left corner of the VTERM window. The following table lists the error codes and the recovery actions for each.

Virtual terminal (VTERM) error codes Message Recovery action
Comm 654 The virtual terminal server is unable to process this type of request.

An unknown error occurred during virtual terminal device-type negotiations.

If the error persists, contact the system administrator for help.
Comm 655 The socket connection to the virtual terminal server has been established and the session is waiting for negotiation to finish. If the error persists, contact the system administrator for help.
Comm 657 The session is in the process of establishing the TCP/IP connection to the virtual terminal server.

When you close a session that displays COMM 657, there might be some delay before it closes.

The delay varies. You can close the browser.
Comm 658 The session is initializing the TCP/IP connection to the HMC. If the error persists, contact the system administrator for help.
Comm 659 The virtual terminal TCP connection to the session has not succeeded or has failed. One of the following might have occurred:
  • The TCP/IP connection to the virtual terminal server was not established.
  • Disconnect was selected on the Communication menu.
  • The virtual terminal server closed the TCP/IP connection either by application control or because it detected an error.