Obtaining server firmware updates for a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system

Learn how to update or upgrade server firmware for a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system.

Installing server firmware updates through the operating system is a disruptive process.
Perform Steps 1 through 6 to get server firmware updates through AIX® or Linux® when you have a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system.
Note: If you are unable to start your AIX or Linux operating system or server, refer to Obtaining server firmware updates through AIX or Linux when you are unable to start the operating system or server.

Step 1. View existing firmware levels for AIX or Linux

  1. Choose from the following options:
    • To use the AIX command prompt (you must have AIX diagnostics installed on your server to perform this task), continue with step 2.
    • To use the Linux command prompt, continue with step 4.
  2. At an AIX command prompt, enter the following command:
    The existing levels of server firmware are displayed. For example, you might see output similar to the following:
    The current permanent system firmware image is AT061_055.
    The current temporary system firmware image is AT061_058.
    The system is currently booted from the temporary image.
    Note: When the lsmcode command is run on a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system, the temporary or permanent side of the flash might report _UNKNOWN_ for the firmware level. This occurs because there is only one level of base motherboard controller firmware. The level is _UNKNOWN_ when it is not included with the system firmware.

    When you install new firmware, it is installed onto the temporary side by default. This new firmware level includes a new level of base motherboard controller code, and will cause _UNKNOWN_ to be reported for the permanent side. This is not a problem; it indicates that the firmware levels in the flash are not a combination that is included from the factory.

    To update the firmware so that _UNKNOWN_ is not reported, perform the following steps:
    1. Perform a commit operation using the appropriate operating system command.
    2. After the commit operation is complete, restart the system.
    3. When the system has restarted and the operating system is running, rerun the lsmcode command. Both the T and P should report a level (such as AT206_061) instead of _UNKNOWN_.
  3. Continue with Step 2. View or download the firmware update.
  4. To view existing levels of server firmware for Linux, you must have the following service tools installed on your server:
    • Platform Enablement Library – librtas-xxxxx.rpm
    • Service Aids – ppc64-utils-xxxxx.rpm
    • Hardware Inventory – lsvpd-xxxxx.rpm
    where xxxxx represents a specific version of the RPM file.
    Note: If you do not have the service tools on your server, refer to Obtaining service and productivity tools for Linux.
  5. After the service tools are installed to the server running Linux, enter the following at a Linux command prompt:
    The existing levels of server firmware are displayed. For example, you might see output similar to the following:
    Version of system firmware is: AT061_058(t)  AT061_055(p)  AT061_058(t)
    Note: When the lsmcode command is run on a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system, the temporary or permanent side of the flash might report _UNKNOWN_ for the firmware level. This occurs because there is only one level of base motherboard controller firmware. The level is _UNKNOWN_ when it is not included with the system firmware.

    When you install new firmware, it is installed onto the temporary side by default. This new firmware level includes a new level of base motherboard controller code, and will cause _UNKNOWN_ to be reported for the permanent side. This is not a problem; it indicates that the firmware levels in the flash are not a combination that is included from the factory.

    To update the firmware so that _UNKNOWN_ is not reported, perform the following steps:
    1. Perform a commit operation using the appropriate operating system command.
    2. After the commit operation is complete, restart the system.
    3. When the system has restarted and the operating system is running, rerun the lsmcode command. Both the T and P should report a level (such as AT206_061) instead of _UNKNOWN_.
    The following provides descriptions for each of the server firmware levels displayed in the output.
    AT061_058 (t)
    The temporary level.
    AT061_055 (p)
    The permanent level.
    AT061_058 (t)
    The level on which the server is currently running.
  6. Continue with Step 2. View or download the firmware update.

Step 2. View or download the firmware update

Follow this procedure to view or download the firmware update. You can download the update directly to your server, or you can download it to a computer with an Internet connection and create an update CD that you apply on the server. If necessary, contact service and support to order the update on CD.

  1. From a computer or server with an Internet connection, go to the Fix Central Web site at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/support/fixes/Link outside information center.
  2. Select the appropriate family in the Product family list.
  3. Select Hardware Management Console in the Product or fix type list.
  4. Click Continue. The Hardware Management Console site is displayed.
  5. From the Microcode downloads Web site, perform the following steps:
    1. Select your machine type and model from the drop-down list. An information window is displayed.
    2. Click Continue. The available firmware levels are displayed.
    3. Record the available firmware. If you want to download the update, continue with the next step.
  6. Perform the following steps:
    1. Select the RPM check box for the server firmware version you want.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.
    3. Click Continue again. The License Agreement is displayed.
    4. Click I agree to abide by its terms and click Continue.
    5. Follow the on-screen prompts.
  7. Choose from the following options:

Step 3. View and unpack the RPM file that contains the server firmware

If you downloaded or created a CD with the RPM file, you will need to view and unpack the RPM file that contains the server firmware.
  1. Insert the CD that contains the RPM file into the media drive on your server.
  2. To mount the CD, choose from the following options (you will need to have root user authority):
    • If you are working on an AIX system, enter the following at an AIX command prompt:
      mount /dev/cd0 /mnt
    • If you are working on a Linux system, enter one of the following commands at a Linux command prompt:
      mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt 


      mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvdrom /mnt
  3. Choose from the following options:
    • If the mount was successful, continue with step 5.
    • If the mount was unsuccessful, continue with the next step.
  4. If you received the message, mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/cd0 on /mnt, perform the steps below to mount the CD:
    1. Enter the command:
      /usr/sbin/mount -v 'cdrfs' -f'' -p'' -r'' /dev/cd0 /mnt

      The quotation marks following the f, p, and r are two single quotation marks with no space between them.

      Note: If you prefer to use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to mount the CD, see Using the System Management Interface Tool to mount the update CD for AIX.
    2. Continue with the next step.
  5. To view the RPM file name, enter the following command at the AIX or Linux command prompt:

    If the RPM file is on CD, type:

    ls /mnt
    If the RPM file is on the server, type:
    ls /tmp/fwupdate
    The name of the RPM file is displayed. For example, you might see output similar to the following:
  6. To unpack the RPM file, enter one of the following commands at the AIX or Linux command prompt:
    • If you want to unpack from a CD, enter:
      rpm -Uvh --ignoreos /mnt/filename.rpm
    • If you want to unpack from the server's hard drive, enter:
      rpm -Uvh --ignoreos /tmp/fwupdate/filename.rpm
      where filename is the name of the RPM file that contains the server firmware. For example, AT2xx-yyy-2.rpm.
      Note: When you unpack the RPM file, the server firmware update file is saved in the /tmp/fwupdate directory on the server's hard drive in the following format: AT2xx-yyy-2.img.
  7. Continue with Step 4. Apply server firmware updates through AIX or Linux to the temporary side of the service processor.

Step 4. Apply server firmware updates through AIX or Linux to the temporary side of the service processor

  1. Ensure you are starting the system from the temporary side of the service processor; the firmware installation will fail if the system has booted from the permanent side. To learn which side you are starting from, and how to change to the other side if necessary, refer to Working with the temporary and permanent side of the service processor.
  2. To use the update_flash command (AIX or Linux) to install the server firmware, continue with step 3.
    Note: If you have AIX installed, and prefer to use the AIX diagnostics to install the update, see Using the AIX diagnostics to install the server firmware update through AIX. If you plan to install the update from CD, you will need to obtain the Microcode Updates Files & Discovery Tool CD to use the AIX diagnostics.
  3. You will need the server firmware update file name in the next step. To view the name, enter the following at an AIX or Linux command prompt:
    ls /tmp/fwupdate
    The name of the server firmware update file is displayed. For example, you might see output similar to the following:
    Note: To perform this task, you must have root user authority.
  4. To install the server firmware update, choose from the following options:
    • If you are updating AIX, enter the following at an AIX command prompt:
      cd /tmp/fwupdate
      /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/update_flash -f fwlevel

      where fwlevel is the specific server firmware update file name, such as AT2xx-yyy-2.img

    • If you are updating Linux, enter the following at a Linux command prompt:
      cd /tmp/fwupdate
      /usr/sbin/update_flash -f fwlevel

      where fwlevel is the specific server firmware update file name, such as AT2xx-yyy-2.img

    During the server firmware installation process, reference codes CA2799FD and CA2799FF are alternately displayed on the control panel. After the installation is complete, the system is automatically powered off and powered on.

  5. Continue with Step 5. Verify that the update installed correctly.

Step 5. Verify that the update installed correctly

  1. To use the AIX or Linux command prompt (the operating system must be running and the diagnostics must be available), continue with the next step.
  2. Enter the following at a command prompt:
    The existing levels of server firmware are displayed. For example, you might see output similar to the following:
    The current permanent system firmware image is AT061_055.
    The current temporary system firmware image is AT061_058.
    The system is currently booted from the temporary image.
    Note: When the lsmcode command is run on a 7037-A50 or 7047-185 system, the temporary or permanent side of the flash might report _UNKNOWN_ for the firmware level. This occurs because there is only one level of base motherboard controller firmware. The level is _UNKNOWN_ when it is not included with the system firmware.

    When you install new firmware, it is installed onto the temporary side by default. This new firmware level includes a new level of base motherboard controller code, and will cause _UNKNOWN_ to be reported for the permanent side. This is not a problem; it indicates that the firmware levels in the flash are not a combination that is included from the factory.

    To update the firmware so that _UNKNOWN_ is not reported, perform the following steps:
    1. Perform a commit operation using the appropriate operating system command.
    2. After the commit operation is complete, restart the system.
    3. When the system has restarted and the operating system is running, rerun the lsmcode command. Both the T and P should report a level (such as AT206_061) instead of _UNKNOWN_.
  3. Verify that the level of server firmware displayed is the level that you installed.
  4. If the level of server firmware displayed is not the level that you installed, perform the following steps:
    1. Retry the update. If you created a CD or DVD for this procedure, use a new media.
    2. If the problem persists, contact your next level of support.

Step 6. (Optional) Install the server firmware update permanently

You might want to use the new level of server firmware for a period of time to verify that it works correctly. When you are sure that the new level works correctly, you can permanently install the server firmware update.
Note: If you install the server firmware update permanently (copy the temporary firmware level from the temporary side to the permanent side, so that the temporary and permanent sides contain the same level of firmware), you cannot return to the level that was previously on the permanent side.

For instructions about how to install server firmware updates permanently, see Installing a firmware update permanently.