unmanageChassis command

Use the unmanageChassis to remove a chassis from the management of the current IBM Flex System Manager® management node.


smcli [-c] [-prompt] [-user user_name] [-pw password] unmanageChassis options

smcli unmanageChassis [chassis_ip_address][-h | -? | --help]

smcli unmanageChassis {-c | --chassis chassis_credentials}[-C | --centralized][-v | --verbose][-W | --wait]


-c | –- chassis chassis_credentials
Specifies one or more chassis to be removed from management. Specify each chassis as follows:
User ID and password with permissions to log in to the CMM of the chassis to be removed from management.
Note: The user ID and password are optional. If you do not specify a user ID, the user ID used to run the command will be used to log in to the CMM.
The IP address of the CMM to be removed from management.
-h | -?
Displays the syntax and a brief description of the command.
Tip: If you specify additional options other than -h | -? | --help, the options are ignored.
Displays detailed information about the command, including the syntax, a description of the command, a description of the options and operands, error codes, and examples.
  • If you specify additional options other than -h | -? | --help, the options are ignored.
  • You can also display detailed help in the form of man pages using the man command_name command.
-v | --verbose
Writes verbose messages to standard output.

If this option is not specified, this command suppresses noncritical messages.

Exit status

The following codes are returned by this command.
  • 0: The operation completed.
  • 1: A usage error occurred.
  • 110: Command could not complete because an internal error occurred.


Remove the chassis with the IP address from management
smcli unmanageChassis -c