Copy Files Between the HP NonStop Spooler System and a z/OS Node Using Job Number

This Process transfers a file from the HP NonStop spooler $S to a z/OS sequential file. The HP NonStop file has a job number of 3722 and a location (name) of #SPLFILE. The SPOOLER command is used to specify a supervisor other than the default of $SPLS. A record format of FBA is used to maintain ANSI control characters.

STEP01   COPY  FROM  (DSN=\SYSEXT.$S.#SPLFILE             -
                      SYSOPTS=("SET SPOOLER=$SPLA"        -
                               "SET SPOOLNUM=3722")       -
                      DISP=SHR)                           -
               TO    (DSN=RJONES.SPLFILE                  -
                      DCB=(RECFM=FBA,DSORG=PS,LRECL=132,  -
                      BLKSIZE=13200)                      -
                      SPACE=(1320,(10,2))                 -